
Get OSU's data via HTTP.

Primary LanguageC#

How to use?

  1. download zip .(need ortdp 1.4.0 or later)
  2. copy to Sync folder
  3. add restful to OutputMethods in config.ini
  4. add Browser Source to scene in OBS.
  5. type {your sync folder}/html/rtpp.html or http://oddr.kedamaovo.moe/rtpp.html in Browser Source
  6. If you want to let other devices display PP via LAN, please read here.

Built-in HTML


Setting Name Default Value Description
AllowLAN False Whether to allow LAN users to access
EnableFileHttpServer False Whether to enable the song file server(host=localhost:10801 e.g: http://localhost:10801/rtbpm.html)
FileServerRootPath ../html if EnableSongsHttpServer=True,Must be set
ApiPort 10800 Api server port
FilePort 10801 File server port
