Mental Health Survey

Code challenge for 12traits.

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.


Visualize data about mental health surveys. We need to get the better insights about this data, and get the highlights for countries with high number of surveys answered.


React app that visualizes the information in different charts.

  • User can select the amount of entries she/he want to display with the Select right to the Details button. This will affect all charts/data.

Main sections:

  • Home: visualize important information such

    • Age: Stacked in one single column. Due to the different ages, I decided to group them by groups of 20 years lenght.
      • Up to 20 years
      • Up to 40 years
      • Up to 60 years
      • More than 60 years
    • Gender: Results with f or female are females, m or male are males (Not case sensitive). Any other result is unknow gender type.
    • Family history and Treatment columns are considered only cases with Yes result.
    • Filters:
      • Any column from the Home chart can be hide/show with the left list.
      • Added slider to show more/less countries in the chart depending on their amount of entries in the survey.
    • Table: shows all registers taking in consideration for Home and Details section.
  • Details:

    • Filter by size of company.
    • Selector of 3 countries.
    • 5 charts displaying relevant info.


npm >= 6.9.0
node >= 11.8.0


git clone
cd mental-health-survey
npm install

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

npm run build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.


  • Material-UI: Widely used among react developers; contains useful components required for the app (such the table, styling, layout)
  • Recharts: Easy to use and lightweight charts library.

Technical choices

  • Data is fetched on app load, and persisted.
    • Due to the lack of backend, only one file of 1mb is served. So we just load once.
    • All calculations for tables are made by controller's frontend in controller/controlleData.js
  • Using AWS S3 to serve file.
    • Yeah.. I totally gave front-end about data manipullation. The right way is to provide a service to provide custom data on demand.
  • Why not using react hooks and new cool features?
    • I haven't use them too much so I don't feel confident experimenting for this challenge.
  • Why the Comparisions methods for accumulate instead of reduce?
    • I think the methods are cleaner in the intention about what they do. Also, they just run once instead of each time we want a summatory value. Anyways I think it would worth the evaluation about performance / clean code.
  • Why fetch instead of axios?
    • We are just using fetching once for now. No need to add extra weight on dependencies.

If more time / Next steps

  • Unit tests are missing.
  • Continious integration deployment.
  • Some elements are hardcoded.
  • Didn't like how the nav bar is merged with the route.
  • Add endpoint to .env (or some configuration file).
  • Enhance charts (Using a map chart would be neat!).
