
Bot built with twit package

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Saudades Bot 🤖

This is the official repo of the SaudadesBot. Below i'll explain how it works ⬇️

How to run the bot

You need to copy .env.example to .env and fill with the needed data

Start the app with nodemon

yarn start-dev

Generate the build(this will delete the build folder)

yarn build

Start the app from the build files

yarn start

Lint code

yarn lint

Repo structure

 ├── .env.example
 ├── .eslintignore
 ├── .eslintrc 
 ├── package.json
 ├── README.md
 ├─> src
 │   ├── bot.ts
 │   ├─> config
 │   │   └── environment.ts
 │   ├── index.ts
 │   ├── logger.ts
 │   ├─> streams
 │   │   ├── limited.ts
 │   │   └── unlimited.ts
 │   ├── types.ts
 │   └─> utils
 │       ├── setupListeners.ts
 │       └── validateTweet.ts
 ├── tsconfig.json
 └── yarn.lock

src > config > environment.ts

It's where we load all of our environment variables, do type conversion and stuff like that, and export everything as a single object;

src > bot.ts

Export a new instance of the bot, created using the variables from environment.ts;

src > index.ts

Where we load the environment variables and initiate both streams;

src > streams

Here is where the magic happens. We have 2 types of streams, LIMITED and UNLIMITED. I'll explain more about they:

  • LIMITED stream has a delay between each tweet due to API rate limit(300 tweets in a window of 3 hours). This stream is supposed to be used with commonly used words.
  • UNLIMITED this stream doesn't have any kind of delay, BUT you will use this one only when you want to do something after an user quote the bot or use an hashtag. E.g: #missyou,@YourBotName;

src > types > types.ts

I had to create that custom type due to the outdated types from twit library. But lucky for you, i've already opened an PR to fix that. Click here to see more details;

src > utils

  • setupListeners.ts create listeners for each stream, and log to the console;
  • validateTweet.ts all the logic to determine if the bot must create a new tweet or not;

src > logger

A simple logger to help find what's is going on with the bot. E.g: [2020-07-11T01:52:11.669Z] - UNLIMITED - https://twitter.com/BotSaudades/status/1281767641368211456 tweet feito com sucesso


  • Fork this repo
  • Make the needed change
  • Setup a pull request
  • Wait for approval =)