
Test assignment

Primary LanguageJava


Test assignment. Console application with almost no user interaction. The only exception is a pause between the days in the simulation.

Goal: While writing this application I have kept in mind the following Clean Code principles as taught by Robert Martin:

  • keep your methods short;
  • one level of abstraction per method;
  • keep your classes conceptually short;
  • refactor mercilessly;
  • DRY
  • SRP
  • no comments - use meaningful names for variables and methods instead;
  • order the methods so that each method follows shortly after its first invokation - each method has a distance from the public methods, and methods with the same distance are grouped and ordered as they are invoked; methods with longer distance follow those with less distance, and so methods do not usually appear right after their first call, but the average distance between a method call and its implementation is short;
  • dependency inversion principle - classes depending on external functionality refer to type (interface) rather than particular implementation; here I have also tried to be reasonable - not every class needs to have an interface layer.

See also the file Desing.pdf in the repo.


  • git clone git@github.com:OttVilson/animals.git
  • cd animals
  • mvn package
  • java -jar target/animals-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar