
Latest and official Libraries for Arduino Otto DIY robots

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Otto DIY Robot Arduino Libraries

License: GPL v3 version

This repository has the main Otto DIY robot libraries for Arduino compatible boards.

Compatible Hardware

  • Designed to work mainly with Arduino Nano boards, but most of the code could be adapted to other microcontrollers.
  • Arduino Nano family
  • Arduino Uno
  • Arduino Micro
  • Arduino Mega
  • Arduino Mini
  • Arduino Leonardo
  • ESP8266
  • ESP32 (in development)

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You will need the Arduino IDE on your computer You can find this library in the Arduino Manager as OttoDIYLib by Otto DIY, for quick installation or manually:

  1. Download Otto DIY libraries here
  2. Open the Arduino IDE and navigate to Sketch > Include Library > Add .ZIP Library...
  3. Navigate to .zip file location that you just downloaded and open it.
  4. You will see in the bottom black area a message that it has been installed. 
  5. To verify they are properly installed, go to Sketch > Include Library menu. You should now see the library at the bottom of the drop-down menu.

*For more details or other ways to install libraries, visit this link 


You can find codes in File > Examples > OttoDIYLib.

  • Otto_allmoves.ino great code for testing all dance movements, sounds and gestures.

  • Otto_APP.ino this code is meant to work with the Bluetooth mobile app and module.

  • Otto_touchmodes.ino use a touch sensor or button to demo multiple modes.

  • Otto_avoid.ino uses the ultrasonic sensor to avoid obstacles.

  • Otto_CalibrationWalk.ino simple calibration for the servos.

  • Otto_happybirthday.ino plays a melody.

  • Otto_singleladies.ino dance according to the song.

  • Otto_smoothcriminal.ino dance according to the song.

  • Otto_testSensor.ino reads data from any analog sensor.

  • Otto_photoresistor.ino test light sensor.

Library Structure

Base set of libraries for any biped robot that uses 4 motors in the legs, like Otto.

  • Otto.h and Otto.cpp contain all the main functions.
  • Otto_gestures.h contain all the gesture functions.
  • Otto_mouths.h contains all the mouth functions.
  • Otto_sounds.h contains all the sound functions.
  • Otto_matrix.h contains all the matrix functions.
  • Oscillator.h is the main algorithm for the servo's "smooth" movement.
  • SerialCommand.c is for Bluetooth communication via software serial

Adding libraries

#include <Otto.h>
Otto Otto;

Pins declaration

These are the default signal connections for the servos and buzzer for AVR Arduino boards in the examples, you can alternatively connect them to different pins if you also change the pin number.

#define LeftLeg 2 // left leg pin
#define RightLeg 3 // right leg pin
#define LeftFoot 4 // left foot pin
#define RightFoot 5 // right foot pin
#define Buzzer 13 //buzzer pin


When starting the program, the 'init' function must be called with the use of servo motor calibration as a parameter.
It is best to place the servo motors in their home position after initialization with the 'home' function.

void setup() {
   Otto.init(LeftLeg, RightLeg, LeftFoot, RightFoot, true, Buzzer);

The home() function makes the servos move to the center position, with Otto standing in the neutral position.

Predetermined Functions:

Many preconfigured movements are available in the library:


These are actions that involve the use of the 4 servo motors with the oscillation library combined in synergy and with smooth movements. You can change the values inside the pratensis () to alter the speed, direction, and size of the movements.

Walk function

Otto.walk(steps, time, dir);
  • steps are just how many times you want to repeat that movement without the need for further coding or adding additional rows.
  • time (noted as T below) translated in milliseconds is the duration of the movement. A higher time value slows the movement; try values ranging from 500 to 3000.
  • dir is the direction: 1 for forward or -1 backward


Otto.walk(2, 1000, 1);

In this example, 2 is the number of steps, 1000 is "TIME" in milliseconds, and it will walk forward.

Try changing T value: Slow=2000 Normal=1000 Fast= 500

Otto.turn(steps, T, dir);

(# of steps, T, to the left or -1 to the right)

Otto.bend (steps, T, dir);

(# of steps, T, 1 bends to the left or -1 to the right)

Otto.shakeLeg (steps, T, dir);

(# of steps, T, 1 bends to the left or -1 to the right)

Otto.jump(steps, T);

(# of steps up, T) This one does not have a dir parameter. Otto doesn't really jump. 😜


Similar to movements but more fun! You can adjust the new parameter h "height or size of the movements" to make the dance more interesting.

Otto.moonwalker(steps, T, h, dir);

(# of steps, T, h, 1 to the left or -1 to the right)

h: Try changing between 15 and 40.


Otto.moonwalker(3, 1000, 25,1);
Otto.crusaito(steps, T, h, dir);

(# of steps, T, h, 1 to the left or -1 to the right)

h: Try changing between 20 and 50.

Otto.flapping(steps, T, h, dir);

(# of steps, T, h, 1 to the front or -1 to the back)

h: Try changing between 10 and 30.

Otto.swing(steps, T, h);

h: Try changing between 0 and 50.

Otto.tiptoeSwing(steps, T, h);

h: Try changing between 0 and 50.

Otto.jitter(steps, T, h);

h: Try changing between 5 and 25.

Otto.updown(steps, T, h);  

h: Try changing between 0 and 90.

Otto.ascendingTurn(steps, T, h);

h: Try changing between 5 and 15.



By just changing what is inside the () we can change the sounds easily to 19 different ones. It's as simple as copying and pasting in a new row to make the sounds as many times as you like.

  • S_connection
  • S_disconnection
  • S_buttonPushed
  • S_mode1
  • S_mode2
  • S_mode3
  • S_surprise
  • S_OhOoh
  • S_OhOoh2
  • S_cuddly
  • S_sleeping
  • S_happy
  • S_superHappy
  • S_happy_short
  • S_sad
  • S_confused
  • S_fart1
  • S_fart2
  • S_fart3

Otto can emit several sounds with the 'sing' function:

Otto._tone(10, 3, 1);

(noteFrequency, noteDuration, silentDuration)

Otto.bendTones (100, 200, 1.04, 10, 10);

(initFrequency, finalFrequency, prop, noteDuration, silentDuration)


Finally, our favorite. This is a combination of the 2 previous functions we learned: sing + walk Their goal is to express emotions by combining sounds with movements at the same time, and if you have the LED matrix, you can show them in the robot's mouth!

  • Otto.playGesture(OttoHappy);
  • Otto.playGesture(OttoSuperHappy);
  • Otto.playGesture(OttoSad);
  • Otto.playGesture(OttoVictory);
  • Otto.playGesture(OttoAngry);
  • Otto.playGesture(OttoSleeping);
  • Otto.playGesture(OttoFretful);
  • Otto.playGesture(OttoLove);
  • Otto.playGesture(OttoConfused);
  • Otto.playGesture(OttoFart);
  • Otto.playGesture(OttoWave);
  • Otto.playGesture(OttoMagic);
  • Otto.playGesture(OttoFail);

As you see, it’s very simple, but what it does is quite advanced.

How to Contribute:

Contributing to this software is warmly welcomed.

  1. Test it, and if you find any problems, then post an issue.
  2. Help us solve the issues or other bugs.
  3. Improve and optimize the current libraries. You can do this basically by forking, committing modifications, and then pull a request

Welcome to the Otto DIY community.


The OttoDIYLib is licensed under the terms of the GPL Open Source license and is available for free.

License: CC-BY-SA

You can use all resources of Otto for free, but the Otto DIY website must be included in any redistribution, and remixes must keep the CC-BY-SA license. In open source, the idea is that more people can have access; therefore, if you copy or remix Otto, you must also release it under the same open license, which means you must also release all files to the public.

Creative Commons License
Otto DIY by www.ottodiy.com is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Big thanks to all our contributors:

  • @JavierIH
  • @Obijuan
  • @jarsoftelectrical
  • @stembotvn
  • @sfranzyshen
  • @tehniq3
  • @logix5
  • @DiegoSSJ
  • @loreman
  • @justinotherguy
  • @bhm93
  • @wendtbw
  • @agomezgar
  • @BodoMinea
  • @chico
  • @PinkDev1
  • @MXZZ
  • @Pawka
  • @per1234
  • @FedericoBusero
  • @hulkco
  • @mishafarms
  • @nisha-appanah
  • @pabloevaristo
  • @ProgrammerBruce
  • @Nca78
  • @dleval
  • @coliss86
  • @namepatrik