
LexBot in TypeScript. Originally a v12 template, the bot got ported to discord.js v13 supporting Slash commands.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

GitHub license Maintained GitHub open issues


A port of the LexBot Discord bot template to discord.js v13 and TypeScript.


  1. Install all dependencies via npm install after cloning the repo.

  2. Rename the example.env file to .env and add your Discord bot token.


.env is part of the .gitignore file so changes won't be committed.

Production environment: remove the DEBUG line in the .env

npm Commands

Command Description
npm run prebuild Extract version from package.json.
npm run build Build the typescript code.
npm run lint Runs the linter on the code.
npm run start Runs the bot from the built JavaScript.
npm run debug Debug the TypeScript in watch mode.

Adding new commands

To add new commands add a .ts file in /commands/ or any subdirectory of /commands/. The command implements the Command interface with the following required properties:

export = {
    name: '',
    category: '',
    description: '',
    run: ({  }: CallbackOptions) => {
        // do stuff
} as Command;

Check the CallbackOptions interface for possible properties. member is available for every CommandType. message and args are only available for NORMAL commands aka !commands while interaction is only available for SLASH commands.

Its mandatory to define the type if it's supposed to be SLASH command only


import { Command, CommandType } from '../interfaces/command';
import { CallbackOptions } from '../interfaces/CallbackOptions';

export = {
    name: 'ping',
    type: CommandType.SLASH,
    category: 'LexBot',
    description: 'Sends back pong',
    run: ({ interaction }: CallbackOptions) => {

        if (!interaction) return;
} as Command;

Is the type set to SLASH or BOTH it will be added dynamically to the Discord command list. (Remember to set up a proper run function for it)

Writing a mod

(coming soon)