
KiCad Files for a Samsung USB to UART JIG (619k Ohm Resistor)

MicroUSB to TTL to USB converter

Should work with almost any Samsung device

  • Connectors:

    • Micro USB B Male
    • USB A 2.0 Female
  • Utitlizes CP2102N as the Serial to USB convertor

  • ID pin of Micro USB B Male is connected to 619K Ohm Resistor

  • 619K Ohm Resistance triggers Samsung MUIC to switch to USB UART mode Samsung Universal MUIC Code Comment Block

  • LCSC Part Numbers included in Bill of Materials

  • Pulls 5V from USB A, Micro USB B gets 3.3V from CP2102 VDD (refer documentation)

PCB 3D Side Profile PCB Front Render PCB Schematics

P.S.: This is my first try at making a PCB, please let me know any issues if you come across any