
A kata based on DNA sequence parse and analyze


A kata based on DNA sequence parse and analyze

DNA corp is the future of biotech!

We want to create a revolutionary  DNA manager. it will take a plain text file as input and a plain text file as output.

#Features: Delete invalid nucleobase (Only ATGC are valid)

Reverse the sequence (reverse)

Input.txt >> reverse ATGC

Output.txt >> CGTA

Count repetition of a given fragment (count fragment)

Input.txt >> Count  GA GATTACA

Output.txt >> 1

Insert a fragment at given position (insert fragment position)

Input.txt >> insert GA 4 GATTACA

Output.txt >> GATTGAACA

Complete a DNA sequence (complete)

Input.txt >> complete GATTACA


Insérer un TAG (tag tagContent fragmentToTag) Input.txt >> tag junk ACA GATTACA

Output.txt >> GATTACA         |junk