Short Definitions of Active Components:

Master (master.c):

    Purpose: Creates the shared memory and the semaphores and it forks the processes and launches the other active components.
    Primitives Used: Shared memory, semaphores, file operations, fork.

Server (server.c):

    Purpose: Manages shared memory and logs drone positions.
    Primitives Used: Shared memory, semaphores, file operations.

UI (ui.c):

    Purpose: Uses ncurses to display the drone position and UI messages.
    Primitives Used: Shared memory, semaphores, ncurses.

Keyboard (keyboard.c):

    Purpose: Captures keyboard input and sends it to the drone through a FIFO.
    Primitives Used: Shared memory, semaphores, FIFO.

Drone (drone.c):

    Purpose: Simulates a drone's movement based on keyboard input.
    Primitives Used: Shared memory, semaphores.

Targets (targets.c):

    Purpose: Creates Targets and checks wether they were reached yet.
    Primitives Used: Shared memory, semaphores.

Obstacles (obstacles.c):

    Purpose: Creates obstacles and keeps on changing their position every now and then
    Primitives Used: Shared memory, semaphores.

Watchdog (watchdog.c):

    Purpose: Monitors the status of all processes and logs them.
    Primitives Used: Shared memory, semaphores.

List of Components, Directories, Files:


    include/: Contains header files.
    log/: Contains log files.
    /: Contains source code files.


  	master.c: Main program.
    server.c: Server component.
    ui.c: UI component.
    keyboard.c: Keyboard component.
    drone.c: Drone component.
    watchdog.c: Watchdog component.
    constants.h: Header file with constant values.
    Makefile: Build automation file. Documentation file.

Instructions for Installing and Running:


    Ensure you have the necessary libraries installed (ncurses).
    Compile the components using make (Execute "make" on the root directory). 
    ps: if you cloned it from github you might need to execute "mkdir build" before building the project.



Operational Instructions:

UI Window:

    Displays the drone's position and coordinates.
    No user interaction; visualizes the drone's movement.

Keyboard Window:

    Press keys to control the drone's movement.
    Logs keypresses.

Watchdog Window:

    Monitors and logs the status of all processes.\

Control Keys:

W (Move Up):

    Increments the upward force on the drone, simulating an upward movement.

A (Move Left):

    Decrements the horizontal force on the drone, simulating a leftward movement.

S (Move Down):

    Decrements the downward force on the drone, simulating a downward movement.

D (Move Right):

    Increments the horizontal force on the drone, simulating a rightward movement.

Q (Move Up-Left):

    Simultaneously decrements horizontal force and increments upward force.

E (Move Up-Right):

    Simultaneously increments horizontal force and increments upward force.

Z (Move Down-Left):

    Simultaneously decrements horizontal force and decrements downward force.

C (Move Down-Right):

    Simultaneously increments horizontal force and decrements downward force.

X (Stop):

    Sets both horizontal and vertical forces to zero, stopping the drone.

ESC (Exit):

    Exits the program.