A minimalistic to do list app that performs CRUD operations. Made with .Net MAUI & SQLite. This app features optional biometric authentication, a dashboard with charts, camera & image gallery usage, ListView with bulk actions as well as dark & light themes.
- 0XFF-96Perth
- advivedi9
- aekurt41
- alansampaio2
- AndreasReitbergerZollner AG
- AndresProgramerCOP
- BlueSharkPartners
- DarkBrain-LPDarollo Technologies Corporation
- DeepWorksStudiosDeepWorks Studios
- Eugenevdm3
- FEDIT-JE@federer-informatik-ag
- fredatgithubIn a garage on Tatooine
- HarisankarChennai
- HobDevJugti Tech
- HuaFangYun
- lukewire129Korea
- lurudong广东广州
- MagicAndre1981
- mediaexplorer74Moscow, Russia
- MuhieddineKassemDearborn, Michigan
- nintreaa
- Parker3331
- RandyPJDominican Republic
- Revan1985Alesys S.r.l.
- runqinshiyechina main land
- sgfshanghai.cn
- sherrerag
- sopcat
- sxfkue
- thewrathVideor Software
- Thralldomm
- tkhuth
- ToBAIaeS
- WillhemStudioZed
- wzxprince
- yurkinhSerengeti Software Technologies