
Spatial Analysis of SafeCare project

Primary LanguageR

Welcome to a spatial analysis of Oklahoma child abuse and neglect data

This project is part of our larger effort to learn more about this behavioral pattern, and the best approaches to reduce its occurence. By incorporating spatial analyses into our approach, we hope learn more about the family's environment and community resources.

Note to contributors

No PHI should be stored in any files located in the repository. This includes database connection strings and REDCap tokens. We have a central location to store this information; contact Will Beasley if you're interested in accessing it.

Required R Packages

Several R Packages need to be installed to perfom all the analyses in this repository. If you're a beginner, paste the following code into the R or RStudio console. Create a new personal library if it prompts you. The list of packages will grow as we develop the reports. Help keep the list updated. install.packages(c("knitr", "ggplot2", "RODBC", "lubridate", "reshape2", "stringr", "devtools", "colorspace", "sp", "spdep", "doParallel", "maptools", "animation"), dependencies=TRUE).


CCAN - Center for Child Abuse and Neglect in the Pediatrics Dept of the Univeristy of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center