Hello World!🖤💜

(Espacially Github dark mode warriors🤗🏴)

My name is "Oumaima", well it's a pretty long name, so people call me "Raven" instead !

Open Source Love

I'm an aspiring full stack engineer, and a computer science student at both UoPeople and 1337 💜

Welcome to my Github account where you will find the folowing topics (and more):

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Some of my ondoing projects:

Readme Card Readme Card

This is a quick look into my favorite coding languages /Stats:

Oumaima's GitHub stats Top Langs

  • Finish my Portfolio.
  • Launch my Blog site.
  • Finish CodeCademy full stack engineering track.
  • Finish 100 Problems on Leetcode.

📫 How to reach me:

You can reach me at the following accounts!

Follow Oumaimafisaoui on LinkedIn Follow Oumaimafisaoui on Twitter Follow Oumaimafisaoui on Instagram

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