A script to query the Davis Weatherlink Live Local API and upload the data to PWSweather
Below is a sample API call to the PWSWeather update endpoint at pwsupdate.pwsweather.com/api/v1
The following parameters are required by the PWSWeather API when making an update call.
- ID
- Password
- dateUTC
- SoftwareType
If the software or station you are using does not support a parameter other than those above, it can be omitted from the string.
Parameter | Parameter Description |
ID | Station ID as registered |
PASSWORD | Station Specific API Key From The PWSWeather Admin page |
dateutc | Date & Time in The Format of year-mo-da+hour:min:sec |
winddir | Wind Direction in Degrees from North |
windspeedmph | Current Wind Speed in Miles Per Hour (mph) |
windgustmph | Wind Gust Speed in Miles Per Hour (mph) |
tempf | Temperature in Degrees Fahrenheit |
rainin | Current Hourly Rain in Inches |
dailyrainin | Total Daily Rain in Inches |
monthrainin | Total Monthly Rain in Inches |
yearrainin | Total Rain in Inches for the local Meteorological Year |
baromin | Current Barometric Pressure in inches Hg |
dewptf | Current Dew Point in Degrees Fahrenheit |
humidity | Current Humidity Percentage |
weather | Current weather or sky conditions using standard METAR abbreviations and intensity (e.g. -RA, +SN, SKC, etc.) |
solarradiation | Current Solar Radiation in Watts per Square Meter (w/m2) |
UV | Current ultraviolet radiation |
softwaretype | Software type |
The string always concludes with action=updateraw to indicate the end of the readings For more information contact AerisWeather Support: https://www.aerisweather.com/support/