
Front-end JS SDK to implement Ourodemi's IDaaS API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Javascript library that implements Ourodemi's Identity as a Service API. The HTTP API for IDaaS can be found on our website here


  • Manage Access & Refresh Tokens
  • Queue API Requests
  • Obtain & Validate Captchas
  • Create New User Accounts

Note: for React Native, see @ourodemi/idaas-rn


Wrap your API calls inside the .request() function as shown below

import IDaaSModule from '@ourodemi/idaas-js';

var AuthModule = new IDaaSModule('myapp-xyz.ourodemi.com');

AuthModule.request(function handler(accessToken){
    // your backend request here
    axios.get('myapi.com/endpoint', {
            'x-access-token': accessToken
    }).then({data, status} => {
        // handle response
    }).catch(err => {
        // handle error

Note: You must use the same instance of IDaaS module for all your requests

API Reference

Available methods

Method Returns Description
auth({email, username, password}) true|false Attempts to authenticate with the specified credentials
deauth() true|false Sends a request to invalidate the refresh token and removes it from local storage
isAuthenticated() true|false Checks if the refresh token is valid
setDeauthHandler() void Sets the deauthHandler() which is invoked when the current session is invalidated
getUser() object Returns current user's profile. See user object below

User Object

    "user_id": "cdad02ec-1e45-458b-8f94-c180a6ef95da",
    "username": "talha",
    "name": "Talha",
    "email": "talha@example.com",
    "groups": [


MIT License


If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at developers@ourodemi.com