Doctrine by example

  • Install the application:

php bin/console app:install

  • Database schema

Database Schema

  • Entities

  • Examples:

    • Using Query Builder: App\Controller\QueryBuilderControllerFile
    • Using repositories: App\Controller\RepositoryController File
      • Use BaseRepository for common functions File


  ROUTE NAME                          URL                                          
  ----------                          -------------------                          
  qb_like                             /query-builder/like                          
  qb_order_by                         /query-builder/order-by                      
  qb_limit                            /query-builder/limit                         
  qb_max                              /query-builder/max                           
  qb_having                           /query-builder/having                        
  qb_inner_join                       /query-builder/inner-join                    
  qb_inner_join_with_group_by         /query-builder/inner-join-with-group-by      
  qb_left_join                        /query-builder/left-join                     
  qb_not_exists                       /query-builder/not-exists                    
  qb_exists                           /query-builder/exists                        
  qb_sum                              /query-builder/sum                           
  qb_avg                              /query-builder/avg                           
  qb_count                            /query-builder/count                         
  repository                          /repository/                                 
  repository_find_one                 /repository/find-one/{id}                    
  repository_find_all                 /repository/find-all                         
  repository_find_one_by              /repository/find-one-by/{attribute}/{value}  
  repository_find_by                  /repository/find-by/{attribute}/{value}      
  repository_count_result             /repository/count-result                     
  random_select_index                 /random-select/                               
  random_select_auto_serialized       /random-select/random-select-auto-serialized  
  random_select                       /random-select/random-select                  
  random_select_serialized            /random-select/random-select-serialized                

Symfony commands:

  • composer create-project symfony/website-skeleton doctrine

  • php bin/console doctrine:database:create

  • php bin/console make:entity EntityName

  • php bin/console make:migration

  • php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

  • composer require orm-fixtures --dev

  • composer require fzaninotto/faker

  • php bin/console make:fixture User

    • Fixture dependencies read more

      namespace App\DataFixtures;
      // ...
      use App\DataFixtures\UserFixtures;
      use Doctrine\Common\DataFixtures\DependentFixtureInterface;
      class GroupFixtures extends Fixture implements DependentFixtureInterface
          // .....
          public function getDependencies()
              return [
  • Make generic repository BaseRepository

    • Read this:
      • 1 - First way: make BaseRepository an abstract class
      • 2 - Second way: Inside services.yaml: prevent symfony from reading the file as a service!
          # makes classes in src/ available to be used as services
          # this creates a service per class whose id is the fully-qualified class name
              resource: '../src/*'
              exclude: '../src/{DependencyInjection,Entity,Migrations,Tests,Kernel.php,Repository/BaseRepository.php}'
  • Install the serializer-pack:

    composer require symfony/serializer-pack

    • Use normalizer to transform objects to arrays

    • Check different ways of transforming object to readable json inside TestController

      • return $this->json($randomProducts, 200, [], ['groups' => 'products:read']);
      • NormalizerInterface $normalizer
      • SerializerInterface $serializer