
The Indoor and outdoor Navigation Assistance System aims to provide blind or visually impaired individuals with comprehensive navigation support in indoor and outdoor environments

Primary LanguageC

Indoor and Outdoor Navigation Assistance System Project


The Indoor and Outdoor Navigation Assistance System is a project aimed at assisting users in navigating both indoor and outdoor environments using AI-based technologies. This system provides features such as object detection, speech recognition, and route generation to help users reach their destinations efficiently.

Project Files

The repository has the following structure:

├── Architecture for the indoor and outdoor Navigation Assistance System Project. (1).pdf
├── Camera Video Analysis Module
│   ├── object_detection_documentation.md
│   ├── object_detection_installation.md
│   ├── object_detection.py
│   └── yolo
├── diag.png
├── notes.txt
├── README.md
├── requirements.txt
├── Speech Recognition Module
│   ├── audio_to_text.py
│   ├── destinations.json
│   └── output.txt
└── TODO.md


  • Changelog.md - View the project's changelog to track updates and modifications.

To-Do List

  • Todo.md - Access the project's to-do list to see pending tasks and upcoming features.

System Architecture

  • Architecture.pdf - Explore the system architecture diagram to understand the project's structure and components.