-- Postman collections of project, you could import the using postman and view the examples of the petitions
-- Files to config the enviroment to use, there are two
-- test
-- development
-- Files with controllers function, the functions where it gets data, or remove or puts data to mongoDB
-- auxiliars functions in these case to verify if there are no errors.
-- In these case there are two one as I said on the previous paragraf and other (isPresentAtleastOne) to verify that there are almost one.
-- Models and schemas of database
-- Routes of end-points to get, post, put or delete data.
-- In these case, all end-points have checkers ('middlewares'), I useed express-validator to make a lot of validations
-- file to config the conexion to db
-- file to expose the server
-- there some tests of the project to be sure that everything runs well
-- some babel configuration to run well the enviroments for dev and test enviroment
Be sure please that you have evrithing istalled:
- mongoDB
- express
- node
- nodemon
If not you only need to do that:
npm install
Be sure that you have mongoDB on port 27017, if not go to config files and change the route of mongoDB and set your route with the correct port
Returns all newspapers
#### DELETE /newspaper/:id
Delete a newspapaer that have the same provided id
"_id": "644e8ea6b545146a2068d151",
"title": "Vue proyecto piloto",
"image": "pepe por su casa",
"abstract": "Vue (pronounced /vjuː/, like view) is a JavaScript framework for building user interfaces.... Vue can be used in different ways ",
"creation_date": "2018-08-05T12:12:44Z",
"languages": [
"publisher": "b8a34054-d836-4c5a-9801-682e11aeaaa4",
"link": "",
"__v": 0
Not found response:
"msg": "Not found newspaper with provided id"
Update a newspaper that have the same provided id Expected payload: !IMPORTANT: You should provide at least one of the properties :
"title": "string"·
"image": "string"
"abstract:" "string",
"languages": "Array of strings",
"link": "String",
"creation_date": "Date represented as string"
You must not provide property "publisher", that property is not accepted to update it.
Success response:
"msg": "updated",
"old": {
"_id": "644e1ee2c3f45665af2789a6",
"title": "Información sobre vue3 3",
"image": "",
"abstract": "Vue (pronounced /vjuː/, like view) is a JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. ... Depending on your use case, Vue can be used in different ways ",
"creation_date": "2018-08-05T12:12:44Z",
"languages": [
"publisher": "58575174-57bd-4044-8a4a-19675d52a7c9",
"link": "",
"__v": 0
Response when not provide any property:
"msg": "It is necessary to send at least one of the following properties",
"properties": [
Not found response:
"msg": "Not found newspaper with provided id"
Returns the newspaper that have the provided id.
"_id": "644e1ee2c3f45665af2789a6",
"title": "Información sobre vue3 3",
"image": "",
"abstract": "Vue (pronounced /vjuː/, like view) is a JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. ... Depending on your use case, Vue can be used in different ways ",
"creation_date": "2018-08-05T12:12:44Z",
"languages": [
"publisher": {
"_id": "58575174-57bd-4044-8a4a-19675d52a7c9",
"name": "Don Juan Manuel",
"joined_date": "Sun Apr 30 2023 02:26:57 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)",
"__v": 0
"link": "",
"__v": 0
Not found response:
"msg": "Not found newspaper with provided id"
Returns all newspaper that contains the provided tittle in its titile.
"_id": "644e1ee2c3f45665af2789a6",
"title": "Vue 3",
"image": "",
"abstract": "Thi is a abstract",
"creation_date": "2018-08-05T12:12:44Z",
"languages": [
"publisher": {
"_id": "58575174-57bd-4044-8a4a-19675d52a7c9",
"name": "Don Juan Manuel",
"joined_date": "Sun Apr 30 2023 02:26:57 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)",
"__v": 0
"link": "",
"__v": 0
"_id": "644e2a96c3f45665af2789b0",
"title": "Vue lanza vue 3",
"image": "",
"abstract": "Vue Abstract 2",
"creation_date": "2018-08-05T12:12:44Z",
"languages": [
"publisher": {
"_id": "b8a34054-d836-4c5a-9801-682e11aeaaa4",
"name": "Oussama Alouat",
"joined_date": "Fri Apr 28 2023 18:59:24 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)",
"__v": 0
"link": "",
"__v": 0
"_id": "644ffcaf71eeaf5ad45279a1",
"title": "Vue proyecto piloto. hole",
"image": "pepe por su casa",
"abstract": "Vue Abstract",
"creation_date": "2018-08-05T12:12:44Z",
"languages": [
"publisher": {
"_id": "b8a34054-d836-4c5a-9801-682e11aeaaa4",
"name": "Oussama Alouat",
"joined_date": "Fri Apr 28 2023 18:59:24 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)",
"__v": 0
"link": "",
"__v": 0
Create a newspaer with the provided data:
"title": "string"·
"image": "string",
"abstract:" "string",
"languages": "Array of strings",
"link": "String",
"creation_date": "Date represented as string"
"publisher": "String"
Example of response:
"data": {
"title": "Pruebas del proyecto",
"image": "No image",
"abstract": "Abstract body",
"creation_date": "2018-08-05T12:12:44Z",
"languages": [
"publisher": "c7bf626e-9926-4e42-a55d-e1c7289932e3",
"link": "",
"_id": "6450027062c1d84b00ebe854",
"__v": 0
"message": "Document created correctly"
npm install
npm run dev
npm run test