
Production grade EKS cluster

Primary LanguageHCLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Production grade EKS cluster

1. Summary

2. High level overview


3. Prerequisites

To be able to run this Terraform module, the AWS credentials must be associated with a user having at least the following AWS managed IAM policies:

  • AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess
  • AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess
  • AmazonEC2FullAccess
  • AmazonRDSFullAccess
  • AmazonRoute53FullAccess
  • AmazonS3FullAccess
  • AmazonSQSFullAccess
  • AmazonVPCFullAccess
  • IAMFullAccess
  • AmazonElasticFileSystemFullAccess

In addition, a new managed policy needs to be created:


    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

4. Github Actions setup

Refer to the tutorial document for more details about how to set up github actions with AWS using OIDC

5. "Main" Terraform module

This module can be used to deploy an EKS cluster with various components and add-ons. Common deployment examples can be found in examples/.

This module has the capability to enable/disable any submodule/components, This means that you can go from just deploying a bare EKS cluster with a certain node groups to deploy RDS databse, S3 buckets and add custom Kubernetes resources and even manage ALB and External DNS.

5.1. Usage

Have a look at the examples for complete references

module "example" {
  source = "./main"

  project-prefix = "deep-project"
  project-name   = "My project"
  account-id     = "123456789123"   
  Environment    = "Production"   
  EKS = {
    cluster-name = "my-cluster"
    k8s-version  = "1.22"
    network = {
      region          = "us-east-1"
      azs             = ["us-east-1a", "us-east-1b"]
      vpc             = ""
      private-subnets = ["", ""]
      public-subnets  = ["", ""]
    nodes = [
        instance-type = "c6a.12xlarge"
        min           = 1
        max           = 1
        node-count    = 1
        instance-type = "t3.small"
        min           = 1
        max           = 3
        node-count    = 2
  aws-auth = {
    enabled = true
    users = [
  RDS = {
    enabled               = true
    db-name               = "my_name"
    engine                = "postgres"
    engine-version        = 14.1
    instance-class        = "db.t3.micro"
    username              = "my_user"
    password              = "my_password"
    allocated-storage     = 50
    max-allocated-storage = 100
    subnets               = ["", ""]
    enable-backup         = true
    enabled             = true
    name                = "bastion"
    ingress-cidr-blocks = [""]
    ssh-key             = "ssh-rsa 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 example@example.com"
    spec = {
      instance-type = "t2.small"
      image-ami     = "ami-0b5eea76982371e91"
      volume-size   = 10
      volume-type   = "gp2"
      min-size      = 1
      max-size      = 1
      desired-size  = 1
  ECR = {
    enabled = true
    repository-names = [
  S3 = {
    enabled = true
    bucket-names = [
  SQS = {
    enabled = true
    queue-names = [
  K8S = {
    enabled   = true
    namespace = "my_namespace"
    main-sa   = "my_sa"         
    db-secret = "my_db_secret"  
    runner = {
      enabled = true
      token   = "abcdefghejklmnopqrst123654789"
      tag     = "my_tag"
    alb = {
      enabled   = true
      namespace = "kube-system"
      sa-name   = "alb-sa-iam"
    dns = {
      enabled   = true
      namespace = "kube-system"
      sa-name   = "dns-sa-iam"
      domain    = "example.com"

5.2. Requirements

Name Version
Terraform >= 0.13.1

5.3. Providers

Name Version Required
aws > 4.18.0 True1
kubernetes 2.5.0 False2
helm 2.3.0 False2
kubectl >= 1.7.0 False2
tls 4.0.1 False2

1 This provider is required to run the Terraform script to create the bare minimum of required resources.

2 These providers used to create some optional resources and won't be used unless the required submodules are enabled.

5.4. Modules

This Terraform module makes use of custom submodules as shown in this following table. In their turns each of these submodules can use their own modules from public registries. Please refer to the specification of each submodule to learn more about this.

Name Source Required
bastion ./main/modules/bastion False
cluster ./main/modules/cluster True
ecr ./main/modules/ecr False
kubernetes ./main/modules/kubernetes False
OpenVPN ./main/modules/OpenVPN False
s3 ./main/modules/s3 False
sqs ./main/modules/sqs False

5.5. Inputs

Name Description Type Default Required
project-prefix Project prefix to be used in naming components string null no
project-name Project name to be used in tagging components string null no
account-id AWS account ID string null no
Environment e.g: Staging/Development/Production string null no
EKS EKS cluster specifications* any {} yes
RDS RDS database config* map(any) {} no
BASTION_HOST Bastion host config* any {} no
ECR ECR repositories config* map(any) {} no
S3 Buckets config* map(any) {} no
SQS SQS config* map(any) {} no
K8S Kubernetes resources config* any {} no
aws-auth Add users to be able to access the cluster* map(any) {} no

* For more details on how to use and fill these objects, please refer to the documentation of each of their respective modules for full reference on the fields and their significations

5.6. Outputs

Name Description
cluster-endpoint EKS cluster endpoint
cluster-cert-auth Cluster CA certificate
cluster-oidc-issuer Cluster OIDC issuer
database-endpoint RDS database endpoint
vpc-id VPC ID
bastion-sec-group-id Bastion security group id
bucket-arn List of the ARNs of all created S3 bucket by this module
sqs-arn List of the ARNs of all created SQS queues by this module
node-role-arn Node groups ARN
node-role-arn Nodegroups role arn

5.7. Conditional creation

Private access to EKS control plane

When enabling the creation of the bastion host. A security group will be created automatically to enable the bastion host to reach the cluster API server on port 443. In case of a fully private EKS cluster, this Bastion host will be the only option to use to run kubectl commands to interact with the custer.

module "example" {

  # The rest of arguments are omitted for brevity

    enabled             = true
    # Omitted


When enabling the creation of an RDS database. Two things will happen under the hood:

  1. A security group will be created to restrict any request to the database except from the created EKS cluster default security group, this security group will only enable requests from inside the cluster on a ceratin port, eg: 5432 for Postgres
  2. A Kubernetes secret will created in the project namespace that will hold all credentials to connect to the database
module "example" {

  # The rest of arguments are omitted for brevity

  RDS = {
    enabled               = true
    # Omitted
  K8S = {
    namespace = "my_namespace"
    db-secret = "my_db_secret"  
    # Omitted

Access other AWS services from Pods

When creating s3 buckets or SQS queues or both. A service account will be created automatically that has all the permission to interact with the created objects. This is done as mentioned in the AWS DOCS. In the example below, we can assume that a service account my_sa will be created in namespace my_namespace that uses an on the fly created IAM OIDC provider to use IAM roles* for service accounts. Later if you attach my_sa service account to any pod, that pod will have all the permissions to access the created objects.

module "example" {

  # The rest of arguments are omitted for brevity
  S3 = {
    enabled = true
    bucket-names = [
  SQS = {
    enabled = true
    queue-names = [
  K8S = {
    namespace = "my_namespace"
    main-sa   = "my_sa"         


5.8. Resources

Name Type
aws_security_group.bastion data source
aws_subnets.public data source
aws_vpc.eks data source
aws_key_pair.key-pair resource
aws_eks_cluster_auth.eks-cluster data source
aws_iam_policy_document.alb-document data source
aws_iam_policy_document.external-dns-document data source
aws_iam_policy_document.s3-and-sqs-policy-document data source
aws_route53_zone.hosted-zone data source
tls_certificate.tls-cert data source
aws_iam_openid_connect_provider.oidc resource
aws_iam_policy.alb-policy resource
aws_iam_policy.external-dns-policy resource
aws_iam_policy.s3-and-sqs-policy resource
aws_iam_role.alb-role resource
aws_iam_role.external-dns-role resource
aws_iam_role.s3-and-sqs-role resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.alb-role-policy-attachement resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.external-dns-role-policy-attachement resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.s3-and-sqs-role-policy-attachement resource
helm_release.alb-ingress-controller resource
helm_release.external-dns-controller resource
helm_release.gitlab-runner resource
kubernetes_cluster_role.gitlab-runner resource
kubernetes_cluster_role_binding.gitlab-runner resource
kubernetes_namespace.ns resource
kubernetes_secret.database-credentials resource
kubernetes_service.database-service resource
kubernetes_service_account.alb-service-account resource
kubernetes_service_account.dns-service-account resource
kubernetes_service_account.service-account resource
aws_ecr_repository.repository resource
aws_db_instance.postgres resource
aws_eks_cluster.eks-cluster resource
aws_eks_node_group.eks-node-group resource
aws_iam_instance_profile.node-profile resource
aws_iam_role.cluster-role resource
aws_iam_role.node-role resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.Amazon-EKS-VPC-ResourceController resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.amazon-EC2-container-registry-ReadOnly resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.amazon-EKS-CNI-policy resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.amazon-EKS-cluster-policy resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.amazon-EKS-service-policy resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.amazon-EKS-worker-node-polic resource
aws_s3_bucket.s3-bucket resource
aws_s3_bucket_acl.s3-bucket-acl resource
aws_s3_bucket_metric.s3-bucket-metric resource
aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block.s3-bucket-public-block resource
aws_s3_bucket_server_side_encryption_configuration.s3-encrypt-config resource
aws_sqs_queue.sqs-queue resource
aws_autoscaling_group.this resource
aws_launch_configuration.this resource
random_pet.asg_name resource
aws_security_group.this_name_prefix resource
aws_security_group_rule.egress_rules resource
aws_security_group_rule.ingress_rules resource
aws_db_subnet_group.database resource
aws_eip.nat resource
aws_internet_gateway.this resource
aws_nat_gateway.this resource
aws_route.private_nat_gateway resource
aws_route.public_internet_gateway resource
aws_route_table.private resource
aws_route_table.public resource
aws_route_table_association.database resource
aws_route_table_association.private resource
aws_route_table_association.public resource
aws_subnet.database resource
aws_subnet.private resource
aws_subnet.public resource
aws_vpc.this resource
aws_db_instance.postgres data source
aws_security_group.cluster data source
aws_security_group.cluster-ssh-vpc data source
aws_security_group.node data source
aws_security_group.rds data source
aws_subnets.private data source
aws_subnets.public data source