
Kubeflow pipeline for Protein-ligand complex MD Setup

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Kubeflow pipeline for Protein-ligand complex MD Setup using the BioExcel Building Blocks (biobb)

Usage Examples

Setup local developement environment

1- Run this command:

# Choose the pipeline version to install

# Run the setup cluster script
chmod +x deployment/local/setup-cluster.sh

  • This will download kubectl, k3s and install kubeflow CRDS and Kubeflow pipelines.
  • If you want to install a different version of kubeflow pipelines just update the environment variable PIPELINE_VERSION

2- Verify setup by running:

kubectl get pods -n kubeflow

3- Open Kubeflow UI:

kubectl port-forward svc/ml-pipeline-ui 8080:80 -n kubeflow

Setup the Environment and the Package

  • Setup directly on the host (optionally using venv):

    virtualenv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    pip install -e .
  • (Optional) Build Docker images and push them to your preffered registry (e.g: REGISTRY=your_regitry)

    # Build Image for data ingestion module
    docker build -t $REGISTRY/biobb_io:3.6.0 -f biobb_md_setup/components/data_ingestion/Dockerfile .
    # Build Image for chemical conversion module
    docker build -t $REGISTRY/biobb_chemistry:3.6.0 -f biobb_md_setup/components/chemical_conversion/Dockerfile .
    # Build Image for molecular dynamics analysis module
    docker build -t $REGISTRY/biobb_analysis:3.7.0 -f biobb_md_setup/components/md_analysis/Dockerfile .
    # Build Image for md simulation using amber module
    docker build -t $REGISTRY/biobb_amber:3.6.2 -f biobb_md_setup/components/md_simulation/Dockerfile .
    # Build Image for all related pdb operations (extraction, modification) module
    docker build -t $REGISTRY/biobb_structure_utils:3.6.1 -f biobb_md_setup/components/pdb_operations/Dockerfile .
    • If rebuilt, this images needs to be pushed and then updated in the biobb_md_setup/pipeline/pipeline.py file.

    • For Demo purposes This images has been already built and pushed to DockerHub:

    docker pull oussemalouati/biobb_structure_utils:3.6
    docker pull oussemalouati/biobb_amber:3.6.2
    docker pull oussemalouati/biobb_chemistry:3.6.0
    docker pull oussemalouati/biobb_io:3.6.0
    docker pull oussemalouati/biobb_analysis:3.7.0
  • Compile the pipeline and generate the YAML template.

    python biobb_md_setup/pipeline/pipeline.py
    • This will generate biobb_md_setup/pipeline/pipeline.yaml
    • Use this biobb_md_setup/pipeline/pipeline.yaml to create new pipeline using the Kubeflow UI

Kubeflow Pipeline

  • Full Pipeline:


  • All plotly figures from the notebook can been seen in the visualisation tab in Kubeflow UI in their corresponding steps


Repository Structure

The codebase is structured as follows:

|-- deployment  ................. # Folder hosting all deployment related scripts
|   `-- local   ................... # Scripts for local deployment environment
|-- notebooks   ................. # Notebooks
`-- biobb_md_setup .............. # Main folder
    |-- components ................ # System component implementations
    |   |-- chemical_conversion ..... # Module for chemical conversion related scripts
    |   |-- data_ingestion ............. # Data ingestion module
    |   |-- data_visualisation ......... # Data visualisation module
    |   |-- md_analysis ................ # Molecular dynamics analysis module
    |   |-- md_simulation .............. # Module to gather all molecular dynamics using amber tools
    |   `-- pdb_operations ............. # Module for pdb operations (extractions, modifications)
    |-- pipeline   ................ # Pipeline in Kubeflow
    |   `-- pipeline.py
    `-- version.py ................ # package version
`-- .gitignore .................... # Git untracked files
├── .pre-commit-config.yaml ....... # Git pre-commit webhooks for linting and testing
├── setup.py ...................... # package setup script
├── CONTRIBUTING.md  .............. # Project contribution guidelines
├── LICENSE ....................... # Project software license
└── README.md ..................... # This document


  • Run:

    virtualenv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    pip install .
    python biobb_md_setup/pipeline/pipeline.py
  • Upload the generated biobb_md_setup/pipeline/pipeline.yaml to your Kubeflow UI

  • Wait for results


Docker Images & components

  • The pipeline code base is divided into 5 logical sections as shown under biobb_md_setup/components

  • 5 different dockerfiles are used that are built on top of their corresponding quay.io/biocontainers/* . For some of them we are not actually adding any external/internal dependencies, but it is a good practice first to not rely on public images, second to be able at any time to extend the image by adding new dependecies or code.

  • Instead of the 5 Dockerfiles we can have a single big Dockerfile with all dependecies inside.

    • Advantages:

      • Not having to deal with multiple dockerfiles
    • Disadvantages:

      • This docker images will have a size ~5GB, the other 5 images sizes are:

        oussemalouati/biobb_structure_utils .. 333MB
        oussemalouati/biobb_amber ............ 1.43GB
        oussemalouati/biobb_analysis ......... 1.51GB
        oussemalouati/biobb_chemistry ........ 1.22GB
        oussemalouati/biobb_io ............... 330MB \

        Pulling an image of 5GB each time just to download a PDB or do a chemical conversion is an added overhead and will create unessary latency in each pipeline

      • conda inside Docker is known to have multiple issues

      • It is a good practice to divide our code base to different components that are each dedicated to just certain logical task, For better debugging, easier dependecy management.
        e.g: biobb packages used support python 3.7 as the latest version, so in the future if we ever have a new components that needs python 3.8 or later, the system is already modular we can add new components with it's own dockerfile without creating conflict.

  • Components in this pipeline are created based on 3 criterias

    • Consecutive steps that do the same logical function (e.g: molecular dynamics related scripts)
    • Consecutive steps that uses the same base image (e.g: Amber)
    • (If a plot exists) Steps finishes with a plotly plot if it exists


    • Step 1: Hydrogen minimization
    • Step 2: Checking Hydrogen minimization
    • Step 3: Plot Energy minimization

    --> These three steps are part of the molecular dynamics process (Criteria 1) and uses the same base image (Criteria 2) and finishes with a plotly plot (Criteria 3) So these 3 steps are to be run together inside 1 Kubeflow step as shown in the screenshot above, the step is called Minimize Hydrogen.

Kubeflow Visualisations

  • Disadvantage: With kubeflow we aren't able to have interactive plots

Improvements & TODOs

  • Add an object storage (GSC, S3, MinIO) to store the final output files

  • Add Logging

  • Add unit tests

  • Improve code Documentation

  • Add the code to a code hosting platform like Github, and create a CI pipeline to run steps like code linting, run different tests, Build and push the different images