Estimote Cordova/PhoneGap plugin

This Plugin is an extension from: phonegap-estimotebeacons

Plugin forked from Evothings repository to extend its functionalities in order to leverage the following additional features:

  • Region monitoring while application is closed
  • Local notification if the application is closed and webview-wide DOM event when application is running.
  • A region can be registered with associated notification data and deeplink URL.
  • Android Estimote SDK updated.
  • When the application is opened from a notification, the notification data can be delivered as a deeplink or in the WebView;
  • Turning on the bluetooth will start monitoring for regions. Likewise, turing the bluetooth off will shut the moniroting off. (Android)

This plugin makes it easy to develop Cordova apps for Estimote Beacons and Estimote Stickers. Use JavaScript and HTML to develop stunning apps that take advantage of the capabilities of Estimote Beacons and Stickers.

Estimote Beacons

Updated API

The JavaScript API has been updated. Please note that the new API is not backwards compatible. The original API is available in the branch "0.1.0".

As of version 0.6.0 the API consists of two modules, "estimote.beacons" and "estimote.nearables", with support for Estimote Beacons and Estimote Stickers. "EstimoteBeacons" is kept for backwards compatibility, and points to "estimote.beacons".

A change log is found in file


The file contains an overview of the plugin API.

Documentation of all functions is available in the JavaScript API implementation file EstimoteBeacons.js.


Document author

###Copyright OutSystems, 2016

Original Creator: Evothings AB.


Many thanks goes to Konrad Dzwinel who developed the original version of this plugin and provided valuable support and advice for the redesign of the plugin.

Many thanks also to all contributors!