
Paste the 2 (or more) most recent clipboard entries separated by a new line, space, or comma.

MIT LicenseMIT


Paste the 2 (or more) most recent clipboard entries separated by a new line, space, or comma.

Paste up to 6 entries at once, by appending a number to the keyword e.g. stitch5

By default, clipboard entries are separated by new lines. To separate clipboard entries with spaces, use the shift (⇧) modifier. For commas, use the option (⌥) modifier.

That's about all there is to it. Clip, clip away!


You may download the latest release or clone the repository if you wish. However, all you really need is the StitchClip.alfredworkflow file. Click the download button in the upper-right corner of the Github interface.

Once downloaded, double click the file and follow Alfred's instructions.