- AVA-cifar Description
- Model Architecture
- Dataset
- Environment Requirements
- Quick Start
- Script Description
AVA-cifar is a self-supervised learning method for CIFAR10 dataset.
The overall network architecture of AVA-cifar is shown in original paper.
Dataset used: CIFAR-10
Dataset size:175M,60,000 32*32 colorful images in 10 classes
- Train:146M,50,000 images
- Test:29M,10,000 images
Data format:binary files
- Note:Data will be processed in src/datasets.py
Hardware (Ascend/GPU)
- Prepare hardware environment with Ascend or GPU. If you want to try Ascend, please send the application form to ascend@huawei.com. Once approved, you can get the resources.
For more information, please check the resources below:
After installing MindSpore via the official website, you can start training and evaluation as follows:
- run on Ascend
# standalone training bash scripts/run_train.sh # standalone evaluation bash scripts/run_eval.sh
- run on GPU
# standalone training bash scripts/run_train_gpu.sh # standalone evaluation bash scripts/run_eval_gpu.sh
Inside scripts, there are some parameter settings that can be adjusted for training or evaluation.
. AVA-cifar
├── Readme.md # descriptions about AVA-cifar
├── scripts
│ ├──run_train.sh # script to train
│ ├──run_eval.sh # script to eval
├── src
│ ├──RandAugment # data augmentation polices
│ ├──autoaugment.py # data augmentation polices
│ ├──callbacks.py # loss callback
│ ├──cifar_resnet.py # resnet network for cifar
│ ├──config.py # parameter configuration
│ ├──datasets.py # creating dataset
│ ├──knn_eval.py # knn metrics for evaluation
│ ├──loss.py # contrastive loss and BCE loss
│ ├──lr_schedule.py # learning rate config
│ ├──network_define.py # training cell
│ └──optimizer.py # optimizer
├── enhanced.csv # labels of hpa dataset
├── eval.py # evaluation script
├── pretrain.py # pre-training script
└── train.py # training script
Parameters for training can be set in src/config.py
- config for pre-training
"description": "description", # description for training "prefix": prefix, # prefix for training "time_prefix": time_prefix, # time prefix "net_work": "resnet18", # network architecture "low_dims": 128, # the dim of last layer's feature "use_MLP": False, # whether use MLP # save "save_checkpoint": True, # whether save ckpt "save_checkpoint_epochs": 5, # save per <num> epochs "keep_checkpoint_max": 2, # save at most <num> ckpt # optimizer "base_lr": 0.03, # init learning rate "type": "SGD", # optimizer type "momentum": 0.9, # momentum "weight_decay": 5e-4, # weight decay "loss_scale": 1, # loss scale "sigma": 0.1, # /tau # trainer "batch_size": 128, # batch size "epochs": 1000, # training epochs "epoch_stage": [600, 400], # needed if lr_schedule=step_cosine_lr "lr_schedule": "cosine_lr", # learning rate schedule "lr_mode": "epoch", # "epoch" or "step" "warmup_epoch": 0, # epochs for warming up
- running on Ascend
bash scripts/run_train.sh
- running on GPU
bash scripts/run_train_gpu.sh
The loss value will be achieved as follows:
2021-01-13 16:59:23,666 - INFO: the 1 epoch's resnet result: training loss 29.649635524700976,training per step cost 0.40 s, total_cost 157.94 s
2021-01-13 17:01:34,990 - INFO: the 2 epoch's resnet result: training loss 27.343187639475477,training per step cost 0.34 s, total_cost 131.32 s
2021-01-13 17:03:48,159 - INFO: the 3 epoch's resnet result: training loss 24.34940964486593,training per step cost 0.34 s, total_cost 133.17 s
2021-01-13 17:06:05,883 - INFO: the 4 epoch's resnet result: training loss 21.98618341528851,training per step cost 0.35 s, total_cost 137.72 s
2021-01-13 17:08:26,812 - INFO: the 5 epoch's resnet result: training loss 18.847696184807116,training per step cost 0.36 s, total_cost 140.93 s
- running on Ascend
bash scripts/run_eval.sh
- running on GPU
bash scripts/run_eval_gpu.sh
The value of performance will be achieved as follows:
top1 acc:0.9103, top5 acc:0.9973
The knn result is 0.9103.