Spring Boot and Angular Template

This is a template project for a full-stack application using Spring Boot and Angular. Note that this project is still a work in progress and security has not been implemented. The angular part is not yet implemented. If you need a template project for a full-stack application using Spring Boot and Angular, you can use this project as a starting point. If you want a version without open- api generator, you can use the branch without-openapi-generator.

Project Structure

The project is organized as a Maven multi-module project, with the following modules:

  • server: the backend module, which includes the Spring Boot application.
    • server/project-template-persistence: module containing the persistence layer of the backend.
    • server/project-template-service: module containing the business logic of the backend.
    • server/project-template-rest: module containing the REST endpoints of the backend.
    • server/project-template-image: module containing Dockerfiles for building and running the project.
  • web: the frontend module, which will contain the Angular application.


The backend is a Spring Boot application, which provides RESTful web services to the frontend. The server module includes the following features:

  • Swagger UI: used to document and test the REST API.
  • OpenAPI Generator: used to generate the model and REST API based on an OpenAPI specification.
  • Querydsl: used to generate type-safe JPA queries.
  • MapStruct: used to generate mapping code between DTOs and entities.
  • jjwt: used to generate JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) for authentication and authorization.
  • Jakarta Bean Validation: used to validate the data received from the client.
  • Using H2 as the database for now.

Getting Started

To run the project, you will need to have Java 17 and Maven 3 installed. Then, you can run the following command from the root directory of the project:

mvn clean install

This will build the project and run all the tests. To run the backend, you can navigate to the server directory and run the following command:

mvn spring-boot:run

This will start the Spring Boot application and expose the REST API on http://localhost:8080. You can use Swagger UI to test the API by opening http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html in your web browser.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.


Contributions to this project are welcome. To contribute, please create a pull request on GitHub.