The main idea of this tool is to parse the mail header and detect the FROM / Subject option to change it + delete unwanted options .
- The Main Textbox: Here you must paste the mail header
- the Subject TextBox : Here you must paste the new subject that you want to be replaced into the Mail Textbox
- The Detect Button : Detect all options in the header and input them in the Mail listbox (9)
- The Copy Button : Copy the content of the Main Textbox to the clipboard
- The Inject Button : Inject the Content of the Subject & From to the Main Textbox ( you can copy it after that )
- The Delete Button : Delete the selected element in the listbox from the Main Textbox
- The Reset Button : Delete all the content of the Main Textbox and the Main Listbox
- The FROM TextBox : Here where you must paste the new content of from that you want to be replaced into the Mail Textbox
- The Main ListBox : Here where , when you click the DETECT button , all options are listed .
- install all dependencies : ( do it just 1 time , if already done it , go to Step 2 )
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Paste the Mail Header into the Textbox
- fill the subject / FROM box
- Click "INJECT"
- Click "COPY"
- Enjoy !
- TO DELETE some options from the header
- install all dependencies :( do it just 1 time , if already done it , go to Step 2 )
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Click "DETECT"
- select the options that you want to be deleted
- click "DELETE"
- Click "COPY"
- Enjoy !
- install pyinstaller
pip install pyinstaller
- Open The file "main.spec" and change the path "E:\mailing\2. Header Generator\" to the absolute path where the application is !
- run cmd in the same folder as the project ( where header_parser_offi exist ) and run :
pyinstaller main.spec
- Go to the folder dist and run .exe
- Enjoy !