
A repository for the first project in the UNCC Coding Bootcamp

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A repository for the first project in the UNCC Coding Bootcamp

Project Proposal

For our project we have decided to develop a web app that helps people and families research potential areas to move to. We plan to use multiple API sources to provide information based on searches by city and state. Another feature we want to look into is the potential to compare two cities side by side or even multiple cities by placing available data into a table. We will allow users to choose preferences from a form with dropdowns filled with parameters that we will then compare to the data from the city and notify users of a percentage match based on their selections. (In example: In preferences box, user chooses options from dropdowns: -temp: 50-60 -minimum school rating: low (somebody who doesn't care about school) -industry: tech then searches for: san fransisco, our percentage match compares data from the city and displays 90% match based on preferences *We 'd like to add more than 3 parameters to the final product)

We will be implementing Firebase to store a predetermined set of cities and would like to add authentication through Firebase to save preferences/city searches for the user. We have considered the following API:

  1. Open weather
  2. PropMix.io
  3. Google Maps
  4. Census Bureau
  5. GeoCoding API
  6. Zomato

Alts: Joople, DataUSA, Yelp, data.gov