
From zero to "Hello world!" inside a Zellij plugin with one keyboard shortcut

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


From Zero to "Hello world!" inside a Zellij Rust plugin with one keyboard shortcut.

How does it work?

All you have to do is think of a name for your new plugin and this wizard will:

  1. Clone the rust-plugin-example template repository into a folder by that name in your project directory
  2. Create a development workspace for you as a new tab, with your $EDITOR and a helper plugin to compile and run your plugin

The only prerequisites are Zellij 0.41.1 and up, and rust (with cargo) installed on your machine.

More about Zellij plugins: Zellij Documentation

How to run

To try this plugin out (from inside a Zellij session), you can either:

  1. zellij plugin -- https://github.com/zellij-org/create-rust-plugin/releases/latest/download/create-rust-plugin.wasm
  2. Start the plugin manager with Ctrl o + p, press Ctrl a to load a new plugin and paste this URL: https://github.com/zellij-org/create-rust-plugin/releases/latest/download/create-rust-plugin.wasm

To bind it to a keybinding, add the following to your keybindings:

shared {
    bind "Ctrl y" {
        LaunchOrFocusPlugin "https://github.com/zellij-org/create-rust-plugin/releases/latest/download/create-rust-plugin.wasm" {
            project_dir "/home/aram/code" // change-me!
            floating true
            move_to_focused_tab true


By default, this plugin will assume the folder where it was started is your project folder and clone plugins under it. For example, if it was started in /home/aram/code and you choose my-cool-plugin as the plugin name, this wizard will create a new folder for your plugin as /home/aram/code/my-cool-plugin.

To change this, run the plugin with the following configuration:

project_dir "/path/to/project_dir"