
Simple Python/C++ based program made to plot simple digital signal encodings like NRZ-L, NRZ-I, RZ, Bipolar, Manchester and Differential Manchester Encodings.

Primary LanguageC++


It's just a simple Program that uses either python or C++ to plot digital Signals in simple encodings like RZ, NRZ-Linear, NRZ-Inverted, Bipolar Encoding, Manchester and Differential Manchester

Made it because in true CSE Student fashion, I decided to automate in an hour what would've been a 2 minute homework assignment. Archived as of December 6, 2021 (when I decided to archive most of my repo's)

Python Implementation

Python Implementation is made by using turtle.py and tkinter


Input is given as


And output can be seen in a new window as


C++ Implementation

C++ Implementation made with graphics.h

It was a massive pain to set this up, that library is archaic

To run this, open the terminal at location 'destinationdirectory/cpp_implementation' and use the following commands:

destinationdirectory/cpp_implementation$ g++ plotter.cpp -o plotter -lgraph
destinationdirectory/cpp_implementation$ ./plotter


Input is given as


And output is generated in a graphics window as
