
A Simple Text Editor made for a College Project using C++ and SFML for window generation/ graphics. Currently Archived.

Primary LanguageC++


C++-14 SDL-2.0 PR OpenSource Follow_Me


Simple Text Editor built using SDL and C++ for a College Project. Main planned functionalities are:

  • Basic Text Insertion/Deletion
  • File Handling (text can be saved/imported)
  • Special Keyboard Mappings (Ctrl-Z, etc.)
  • Render Editor using software like SFML/SDL
  • Implement a Cursor
  • Enable Rich text functions (Bold, Italics, etc.)


Layer Diagram

Layer Diagram

Repo Tree
├─ editor
│  ├─ Content.cpp
│  ├─ Content.h
│  ├─ Cursor.cpp
│  ├─ Cursor.h
│  ├─ Document.cpp
│  ├─ Document.h
│  └─ Utility.h
├─ fonts
│  ├─ JetBrainsMono-Light.ttf
│  ├─ JetBrainsMono-Regular.ttf
│  ├─ RobotoMono-Medium.ttf
│  └─ RobotoMono-Regular.ttf
├─ Makefile
├─ README.md
├─ input.txt
├─ main.cpp
└─ output.txt


Extract the files into a directory then run make && create

Also Look at

About SDL


About Me

Omkar Prabhune: Junior in CSE Department at VIT, Pune

Check out my other repos!