
Scratch on the TI-84 Plus CE

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Scratch CE

Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share

Table of Contents


  • Backgrounds, Change the background with defult background sprites.
  • Sprites, Add defult sprite and add code to each added sprites.
  • Add up to 7 lines of code, There is a limit of 7 lines of code will increase with each update.
  • Over 10 blocks, over 4 types of blocks


  • UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT = Mouse Movement.
  • 2nd = To Click.
  • Alpha + UP = Increase Mouse Speed.
  • Alpha + DOWN = Decrease Mouse Speed.
  • DEL = Delete Recent Line of code in sprite.
  • MODE = Run Code.
  • + = Edit Code in next sprite.
  • - = Edit Code Previous sprite.


What is Scratch?

Scratch is a block programming language. Instead of typing the user choose pre-written block.

What Scratch | CE?

Scratch CE is a replication of a Scratch Project Made By Colorgram.

What is Alpha 1.0 "Port"?

All Alpha version will the port of the original project. With occasional bug fix updates. "This Version Is quite unless its just cool to have it on calculator for now till beta version is released"

I found an Issue!! What do I do?

Please report all issues to me @ Cemetech.net search "[TI84PCE] Scratch CE Development [C]". Make an account and post issues there.

When will the project become useful?

The project will become useful on first release of the beta version. With new functions every week or two weeks.

What is the canvas?

The canvas is where costumes move and run your commands

How do I know if a button is clickiable?

Hover over there and the mouse pointer will change into a select pointer.

How do I Stop Blocks From Running?

When the Script is running click [ Mode ] to stop it you should see a red X appear in the corner of the canvas.

How do I change the background?

In the upper left of the canvas you should see arrows with an image in between click the arrow to change the background.


Adding sprites:

Changing background:

Making new projects and coding:

© Copyright 2020 - 2021, Alvajoy Asante