
The tool that uploads game data to civstats.com

Primary LanguageAutoIt

CivStats Uploader
By Greg "OverloadUT" Laabs

Simply extract this archive to any folder on your computer. It should go in its
own folder as it creates several files after the first run.

To add a new game to civstats.com, you first must create an account at
civstats.com and click "Add a Game". when you get to the step where it asks you
to start the uploader, run this program and fill in all of the boxes. For Game
ID, put the number that is shown on the civstats.com "Step 3" page.

The most common problem is related to firewalls. The CivStats Uploader needs to
communicate to the server on port 80, so make sure your firewall is not
blocking CivStatsUploader.exe.

If you are still having problems, please follow these directions:
Open your civstats.ini file and change the line that says "LogLevel=1" to
"LogLevel=3" - Then run the uploader until you experience the problem and quit.
Please email/PM me your [ProfileName].log file and I will take a look at it.