
A note taking web app developed using MERN stack

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Notes Taker

Welcome to Notes Taker, the seamlessly intuitive and feature-rich application designed to elevate your note-taking experience. Whether you're a student, professional, or creative mind, Notes Taker is your go-to solution for capturing ideas, staying organized, and unlocking your productivity potential. This project uses ReactJS as frontend, NodeJS as backend framework and MongoDB as the database.


  • node >= 20.0.0
  • npm >= 10.2.3
  • MongodDB (remote or local)


  1. Clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/OverloadedSam/notes-taker-app-assignment.git
  1. Navigate to the locations below and execute the command npm install.
$ cd notes-taker-app-assignment/client/
$ cd notes-taker-app-assignment/server
  1. Install project dependencies (For both client and server).
$ npm install

Configure App

Prior to starting the app (client and server), ensure that you configure the necessary environment variables.

1. Environment variables for server

Create a .env file at notes-taker-app-assignment/server/ directory and set the following environment variables.

DB_CONNECTION_URI="Your mongodb database connection string"
ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET="Secret for token. Set a value to random long string"

2. Environment variables for client

Create a .env file at notes-taker-app-assignment/client/ directory and set the following environment variables.

VITE_BASE_API_URL="Set this to the backend url" // e.g: http://localhost:8000/api

Running The Project For Development

Run server (Node API) (PORT: 8000)

$ cd server/ // go to server directory
$ npm run dev // run backend with hot reloading.
// or you can run the backend with ts-node
$ ts-node src/server.ts

Run client (Vite + React app) (PORT: 3000)

$ cd client/ //go to client directory
$ npm run dev

Building For Production

Before initiating the production build, ensure that you have correctly configured the URLs for the client and server environment variables.

Build Client

Navigate to the notes-taker-app-assignment/client/ directory and run the following command to build the client.

$ npm run build

After a successful build process, you'll find the built code within the notes-taker-app-assignment/client/dist/ directory.

Build Server

Navigate to the notes-taker-app-assignment/server/ directory and run the following command to build the client.

$ npm run build

After a successful build process, you'll find the built code within the notes-taker-app-assignment/server/dist/ directory.

Deploy to Render

While this project is compatible with various platforms such as AWS, GCP, or Heroku, we have chosen to deploy it on Render due to its user-friendly interface and cost-free nature

  1. Sign up for a Render account at Render.
  2. To deploy the server, create a new web service by navigating to New > Web Service in the menu.
  3. For deploying the client, create a new static site by navigating to New > Static Site in the menu.

Dependencies (Tech Stack)

Client Side Dependencies Server Side Dependencies
@emotion/react: ^11.11.3 bcrypt: ^5.1.1
@emotion/styled: ^11.11.0 cors: ^2.8.5
@hookform/resolvers: ^3.3.4 dotenv: ^16.3.1
@mui/icons-material: ^5.15.4 express: ^4.18.2
@mui/lab: ^5.0.0-alpha.160 helmet: ^7.1.0
@mui/material: ^5.15.4 jsonwebtoken: ^9.0.2
@reduxjs/toolkit: ^2.0.1 mongoose: ^8.0.4
react: ^18.2.0 morgan: ^1.10.0
react-dom: ^18.2.0 yup: ^1.3.3
react-hook-form: ^7.49.3
react-hot-toast: ^2.4.1
react-markdown: ^9.0.1
react-redux: ^9.0.4
react-router-dom: ^6.21.2
react-simplemde-editor: ^5.2.0
yup: ^1.3.3
Client Side Dev Dependencies Server Side Dev Dependencies
@types/node: ^20.11.0 @types/bcrypt: ^5.0.2
@types/react: ^18.2.43 @types/cors: ^2.8.17
@types/react-dom: ^18.2.17 @types/express: ^4.17.21
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin: ^6.14.0 @types/jsonwebtoken: ^9.0.5
@typescript-eslint/parser: ^6.14.0 @types/morgan: ^1.9.9
@vitejs/plugin-react: ^4.2.1 @types/node: ^20.11.0
eslint: ^8.55.0 nodemon: ^3.0.2
eslint-plugin-react-hooks: ^4.6.0 ts-node: ^10.9.2
eslint-plugin-react-refresh: ^0.4.5 typescript: ^5.3.3
typescript: ^5.2.2 typescript: ^5.3.3
vite: ^5.0.8