A program which takes as input a Credit Card number and determine the provider between , American Express, Mastercard and VISA.
- link: here
The program we’ll write will be called mario. And let’s allow the user to decide just how tall the pyramids should be by first prompting them for a positive integer between, say, 1 and 8, inclusive.
$ ./mario
Height: 8
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- link: here
Determine how long it takes for a population to reach a particular size.
$ ./population
Start size: 100
End size: 200
Years: 9
- link: here
A program that runs a plurality election, per the below.
$ ./plurality Alice Bob Charlie
Number of voters: 4
Vote: Alice
Vote: Bob
Vote: Charlie
Vote: Alice
- link: here
A program that calculates the approximate grade level needed to comprehend some text, per the below.
$ ./readability
Text: Congratulations! Today is your day. You're off to Great Places! You're off and away!
Grade 3
- link: here
A program that implements a substitution cipher, per the below.
plaintext: HELLO
ciphertext: VKXXN
- link here