
Gradualizer Mix Wrapper

Primary LanguageElixir


Mix integration with Gradualizer.

Gradualizer is an enforced static typing checker based on BEAM specs.


The package can currently be installed from github by adding gradualixir to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:gradualixir, github: "overminddl1/gradualixir", ref: "master"}


Once added to a mix project dependencies and mix deps.get is run to acquire the dependencies, then just run the mix gradualizer command to check the files on the existing project, such as:

╰─➤  mix gradualizer
/home/overminddl1/elixir/gradualixir/_build/dev/lib/gradualixir/ebin/Elixir.Gradualixir.beam: The binary [{bin_element,0,{string,0,"*.beam"},default,default}] on line 0 does not have type t()
/home/overminddl1/elixir/gradualixir/_build/dev/lib/gradualixir/ebin/Elixir.Mix.Tasks.Gradualizer.beam: The binary [{bin_element,0,{string,0,"*.beam"},default,default}] on line 0 does not have type t()

Currently Gradualizer is in early development and it's only output is currently just to stdout so the syntax is currently in Erlang format. Hope to parse it out in short order however.


The currently supported options are:

  • --gradualize-preload will preload all beam files known to the erlang runtime and all known paths to the gradualizer db process, otherwise it looks to load them on-demand.
  • --no-compile will not compile the project before running gradualizer.
  • --quiet will silence all shell output, will still set the return code to the shell however.

In addition it takes 0 or more position rest arguments:

  • 0 arguments -> Gradualize just the current project's BEAM files but no consolidated files, this is the same as passing in :project-ebin.
  • A single :all argument will gradualize all BEAM files everywhere known to the system, do note that a lot of erlang and elixir specs may not be 'good' for such a purpose, but it's great for testing and reporting and fixing bugs to them!
  • A single :project-ebin argument will gradualize the non-consolidated BEAM files of the current project. This is the default value if no arguments.
  • A single :project argument will gradualize all BEAM files of the current project, including consolidated files (which Elixir does not generate very cleanly so expect errors in those).
  • A single :deps argument will gradualize all BEAM files of the current project and all dependencies of the current project, essentially everything but the OTP and Elixir itself.
  • Or 1 or more arguments of the paths to specific BEAM files to gradualize.


Gradualixir is to Gradualizer as Dialyxir is to Dialyzer, and I hope Gradualizer will get a usable interface on par to that of Dialyzer for tool use in time. :-)