
A simple library to add event listeners on Entities, Players, Items ot Blocks

Primary LanguageJava


A simple library to add event listeners on Entities, Players, Items or Blocks

How to use

The class ComponentWrapper

A ComponentWrapper instance can only be created by his builder.
Once instancied, it can wrap any component.
example :

WrappedPlayer wrappedPlayer = componentWrapper.wrap(bukkitPlayer);
WrappedItem wrappedItem = componentWrapper.wrap(itemStack);
WrappedEntity wrappedPig = componentWrapper.wrap(pig);
WrappedBlock wrappedEndStone = componentWrapper.wrap(endStone);

Any wrapped component can trigger lambdas, when a specific event affect the child.


BlocksListeners, ItemsListeners, EntitiesListeners and PlayersListeners are optionnal.
WrapperFactory is obligatory.
example of use :

                .setWrapperFactory(new SimpleWrapperFactory())
                .withBlocksListener(new SimpleBlocksListener(plugin))
                .withEntitiesListener(new SimpleEntitiesListener(plugin))
                .withItemsListener(new SimpleItemsListener())
                .withPlayersListener(new SimplePlayersListener(plugin))

An instance with default factory and ListenerHandlers can be used with DefaultComponentWrapper.createNew
this class transform entities, blocks, items and players to a wrapped object.

The wrapper classes

You can find 4 differents wrappers.

  • WrappedEntity
  • WrappedPlayer (extends WrappedEntity)
  • WrappedBlock
  • WrappedItem

Wrapper classes handles a single minecraft component, and add it some methods such as "onEvent" methods, except for WrappedItem, that ask for an event class, and a Consumer to execute when the specified Event class is executed by standard bukkit event listeners.
events can also be specified with a String identifier, and can be deleted with removeEventConsumer(String)

example of use :

WrappedPlayer wplayer = componentWrapper.wrap(bukkitPlayer);
wplayer.onPlayerEvent(PlayerCommandPreProssesEvent.class, event => if (event.getCommand().contains("kick")) event.setCancelled(), "kick");

There is an exception for WrappedItem because there is no abstract event class that group all possibly action made with Items or itemStacks, so please take a look into WrappedItem

Wrapped Component Event Dispatchers interfaces

There is one Wrapped Component Event Dispatcher per wrapped type

  • WrappedPlayerEventDispatcher
  • WrappedItemEventDispatcher
  • WrappedEntityEventDispatcher
  • WrappedBlockEventDispatcher

Event dispatchers dispatch registred events of a wrapped component

ListenerHandlers interfaces

There is one Listener Interace per wrapped type

  • PlayerListenerHandler
  • ItemsListenerHandler
  • EntitiesListenerHandler
  • BlocksListenerHandler

Only one ListenerHandler instance per ComponentWrapper is needed.
ListenerHandlers handle the cache of wrapped components, and dispatch the events to each registred wrapped component
They can also chose what kind of event will be listened or not.

How to extend

WrapperFactory interface

The WrapperFactory is only used by the ComponentWrapper, and help him instancing wrappers for any given component, if it was not found into the cache.
Factories decide what kind of implementation will be used for wrappers To inject a WrapperFactory into a ComponentWrapper, you can use his Builder.

ListenerHandlers interfaces

We already seen ListenerHandlers interfaces above, but their implementation can be specified by the builder of ComponentWrapper