
A project to provide an OpenAPI specification for all NASA public APIs on api.nasa.gov

Primary LanguagePerlOtherNOASSERTION


WebService::NASA - Perl interface to NASA's public APIs


version 0.1


use WebService::NASA;

my $api = WebService::NASA->new(
    api_key => 'your_api_key',


This project is a Perl client for the NASA API. It is generated from a full OpenAPI 3.0.0 specification, which can be found at nasa/openapi.yaml.

By default both the request and response are validated against the OpenAPI specification.

Please see https://api.nasa.gov for more information. You can sign up for a free API key there.


The following arguments may be passed to the constructor.

  • api_key

    Optional. If not passed, we consult $ENV{NASA_API_KEY}. If that is not set, we use DEMO_KEY. Note that the DEMO_KEY has a more severe rate limit.

  • validate_request

    Optional. Defaults to true. If set to false, requests will not be validated.

  • validate_response

    Optional. Defaults to true. If set to false, responses will not be validated.

  • strict

    Optional. Defaults to false. If set to true, validation errors will be fatal.

  • timeout

    Optional. Defaults to 30 seconds. The number of seconds to wait for a response.

  • debug

    Optional. Defaults to false. If set to true, request/response debug information will be printed to STDERR.


WebService::NASA does not handle rate limiting because your needs may vary. Instead, we provide two methods to help you manage rate limiting, requests_remaining and last_request_time. You can use these to to manager your own rate limiting.

Web Service Rate Limits

Limits are placed on the number of API requests you may make using your API key. Rate limits may vary by service. If you have an API key, you have an official hourly limit of 1,000 requests per hour. There is no clear documentation on the limits and we've seen it vary across APIs. For at least one API, the limit is 2,000 requests per hour.

For each API key, these limits are applied across all api.nasa.gov API requests. Exceeding these limits will lead to your API key being temporarily blocked from making further requests. The block will automatically be lifted by waiting an hour. If you need higher rate limits, contact NASA.

DEMO_KEY Rate Limits

If you do not supply an API key, the DEMO_KEY will be used.

This API key can be used for initially exploring APIs prior to signing up, but it has much lower rate limits, so you’re encouraged to signup for your own API key if you plan to use the API (signup is quick and easy). The rate limits for the DEMO_KEY are:

  • Hourly Limit: 30 requests per IP address per hour
  • Daily Limit: 50 requests per IP address per day


Most of these methods are only valid after you have called a get_* api method.


The number of requests remaining for the current hour, as determined by the X-RateLimit-Remaining header.


The time of the last request as a unix timestamp.


Returns true if the last response was application/json. The response is gauranteed to be JSON decoded. Otherwise, you must handle the response for yourself. For example, GET /planetary/apod returns an image.


Returns true if the DEMO_KEY is being used (i.e. no API key was passed to the constructor and no $ENV{NASA_API_KEY} was set). If the last request accepted an API key, this method will still return false if the instance did not have an API key available when constructed.


In addition to the arguments specified below for each method, all methods take an optional API key. If you do not provide one, the api key supplied in the contructor will be used. If you did not supply one to the contructor, DEMO_KEY will be used. Note that the DEMO_KEY is rate limited to 30 requests per ip address per hour and 50 requests per ip address per day.

Passing in an API key is useful if you have multiple keys and need to use a different one for a specific request.

All requests return a raw response. For requests return application/json, this response will be the JSON decoded into a Perl data structure. For all else, the raw response will be returned.

Because NASA has not provided a full OpenAPI specification, we cannot guarantee exactly what will be returned. We do our best to provide a specification, but we're very loose with it to avoid validation errors.

To understand what is returned, please see WebService::NASA::Schema.

Server https://api.nasa.gov

Methods are delegated to WebService::NASA::Server::ApiNasaGov.


my $result = $nasa->get_neo_rest_v1_feed(
    end_date   => $end_date,
    start_date => $start_date,

Method for /neo/rest/v1/feed.

Retrieve a list of Asteroids based on their closest approach date to Earth.


  • end_date

    End date of APOD images to retrieve


  • start_date

    Start date of APOD images to retrieve



my $result = $nasa->get_neo_rest_v1_neo_asteroidid(
    asteroidId => $asteroidId,

Method for /neo/rest/v1/neo/{asteroidId}/.

Lookup a specific Asteroid based on its NASA JPL small body (SPK-ID) ID


  • asteroidId

    Asteroid SPK-ID correlates to the NASA JPL small body



my $result = $nasa->get_neo_rest_v1_neo_browse(
    page => $page,
    size => $size,

Method for /neo/rest/v1/neo/browse.

Browse the overall Asteroid data-set


  • page

    Page number of query


  • size

    Number of elements per page



my $result = $nasa->get_planetary_apod(
    count      => $count,
    date       => $date,
    end_date   => $end_date,
    start_date => $start_date,
    thumbs     => $thumbs,

Method for /planetary/apod.

One of the most popular websites at NASA is the Astronomy Picture of the Day. In fact, this website is one of the most popular websites across all federal agencies. It has the popular appeal of a Justin Bieber video. This endpoint structures the APOD imagery and associated metadata so that it can be repurposed for other applications. In addition, if the concept_tags parameter is set to True, then keywords derived from the image explanation are returned. These keywords could be used as auto-generated hashtags for twitter or instagram feeds; but generally help with discoverability of relevant imagery. The full documentation for this API can be found in the APOD API Github repository.


  • count

    If this is specified then count randomly chosen images will be returned. Cannot be used with date or start_date and end_date.


  • date

    Date of image; if not supplied, then the most recent image (i.e., closest to today) is returned


  • end_date

    End date of APOD images to retrieve


  • start_date

    Start date of APOD images to retrieve


  • thumbs

    Return the URL of video thumbnail. If an APOD is not a video, this parameter is ignored.



my $result = $nasa->get_planetary_earth_assets(
    date => $date,
    dim  => $dim,
    lat  => $lat,
    lon  => $lon,

Method for /planetary/earth/assets.

This endpoint retrieves the date-times and asset names for closest available imagery for a supplied location and date. The satellite passes over each point on earth roughly once every sixteen days. This is an amazing visualization of the acquisition pattern for Landsat 8 imagery. The objective of this endpoint is primarily to support the use of the imagery endpoint.


  • date

    Date of image; if not supplied, then the most recent image (i.e., closest to today) is returned


  • dim

    Width and height of image in degrees


  • lat



  • lon




my $result = $nasa->get_planetary_earth_imagery(
    cloud_score => $cloud_score,
    date        => $date,
    dim         => $dim,
    lat         => $lat,
    lon         => $lon,

Method for /planetary/earth/imagery.

This endpoint retrieves the Landsat 8 image for the supplied location and date. The response will include the date and URL to the image that is closest to the supplied date. The requested resource may not be available for the exact date in the request. You can retrieve a JSON that contains the inputs you provided and a URL to the resulting image through the assets endpoint. The assets endpoint no longer returns a list of potential images within your date range due to a change on the Google Earth Engine API side.

Note that the returned object may not match the supplied date exactly. Instead, the image closest to the supplied date is returned.

The cloud score was an optional calculation that returns the percentage of the queried image that is covered by clouds, but it is not available in current versions of the API.


  • cloud_score

    NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE!!!! calculate the percentage of the image covered by clouds


  • date

    Date of image; if not supplied, then the most recent image (i.e., closest to today) is returned


  • dim

    Width and height of image in degrees


  • lat



  • lon




The unofficial NASA OpenAPI specification can be found at https://github.com/Ovid/nasa-openapi.

Server https://eonet.gsfc.nasa.gov/api/v3

Methods are delegated to WebService::NASA::Server::EonetGsfcNasaGov.


my $result = $nasa->get_events(
    bbox     => $bbox,
    category => $category,
    days     => $days,
    end      => $end,
    limit    => $limit,
    magID    => $magID,
    magMax   => $magMax,
    magMin   => $magMin,
    source   => $source,
    start    => $start,
    status   => $status,

Method for /events.

Returns a list of natural events currently occurring on Earth.


  • bbox

    Query using a bounding box for all events with datapoints that fall within. This uses two pairs of coordinates: the upper left hand corner (lon,lat) followed by the lower right hand corner (lon,lat).


  • category

    Category of each earth event


  • days

    The maximum number of days to return


  • end

    The end date of the events


  • limit

    The maximum number of events to return


  • magID

    EONET Event Magnitudes


  • magMax

    The maximum magnitude of the events


  • magMin

    The minimum magnitude of the events


  • source

    Source of each earth event


  • start

    The start date of the events


  • status

    Status of each earth event



The unofficial NASA OpenAPI specification can be found at https://github.com/Ovid/nasa-openapi.

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Curtis "Ovid" Poe curtis.poe@gmail.com


This software is Copyright (c) 2023 by Curtis "Ovid" Poe.

This is free software, licensed under:

The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)


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