
Food recipes android application written in Kotlin using MVVM Architecture, Retrofit2 for calling data from the rest API, Room for cacheing, and Glide for loading images from the consumed API into the ImageViews.

Primary LanguageKotlin


Food Recipes App in Kotlin using MVVM Architecture.

Libraries and technologies used to build this app:

  1. Navigation component - One activity contains multiple fragments instead of creating multiple activites
  2. Retrofit - Making HTTP connection with the rest API and converting the meal json file to a Kotlin object
  3. Room - Saving meals in a local database
  4. MVVM & LiveData - Saperating the logic code from views and saving the application state in case the screen configuration changes
  5. Coroutines - Doing some code in the background
  6. view binding - Instead of inflating views manually, view binding will take care of that
  7. Glide - Catching images and loading them in an imageView