
Niddel Magnet v2 API Python SDK

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

PyPI version Build status Dependency Status

Niddel Magnet v2 API Python SDK

A simple client that allows idiomatic access to the Niddel Magnet v2 REST API. Uses the wonderful requests package to perform the requests.

Release history: https://github.com/Niddel/magnet-api2-sdk-python/releases

Configuring Credentials

There are a couple of ways to let the Connection object know which API key to use. The simplest one is to pass one explicitly to its constructor:

from magnetsdk2 import Connection

conn = Connection(api_key="my secret API key")

If an explicit API key is not provided, the Connection constructor will look for one first in the MAGNETSDK_API_KEY environment variable and failing that in the default profile of the configuration file.

You can add different API keys to a configuration file with different profiles by creating a file called .magnetsdk/config under the current user's home directory. It is a basic Python configuration file that looks like the following:

api_key=my secret api key

api_key=another secret api key

So in this case you could create a connection to use either API key as follows:

from magnetsdk2 import Connection

conn_default = Connection()                     # uses default profile
conn_profile2 = Connection(profile='profile2')  # use profile2 explicitly

Using the SDK

It's as simple as creating a Connection object and using it to perform queries. This small example shows you how to print out all of the organizations the configured API key has access to.

import json
from magnetsdk2 import Connection

conn = Connection()
for org in conn.iter_organizations():
    print(json.dumps(org, indent=4))

Downloading Only New Alerts

A common scenario for using the SDK is downloading only new alerts over time, typically to feed an integration with a 3rd party SIEM or ticketing system. In order to implement this, the concept of a persistent iterator that saves its state on a JSON file is provided in the SDK:

from magnetsdk2 import Connection
from magnetsdk2.iterator import FilePersistentAlertIterator

conn = Connection()
# replace xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx with a valid organization ID 
alert_iterator = FilePersistentAlertIterator('persistence.json', conn, 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx')
for alert in alert_iterator:
        # try to process alert in some way
        alert_iterator.load()   # on failure, reload iterator so last alert doesn't count as processed
        alert_iterator.save()   # on success, save iterator so last alert counts as processed

If you run this same code multiple times, it should ever only output alerts it hasn't processed before, provided file persistence.json is not tampered with and remains available for reading and writing.

You save the current state of the iterator with the save method. If you tried to process an alert and failed, you can simply not save the iterator and reload the previous consistent state from disk using the load method.

Though the provided implementation saves the data to a JSON file, it is easy to add other means of persistence by creating subclasses of magnetsdk2.iterator.AbstractPersistentAlertIterator that implement the abstract _save and _load methods.

Command-line Utility

Starting with version 1.2.0, the package installs a niddel command-line utility which can be used to perform most of the same functionalities available on the SDK. First install the package:

$ pip install magnetsdk2

Then, you can see that a --profile option can be provided to select an alternative API key from ~/.magnetsdk/config, as described previously:

$ niddel -h
usage: niddel [-h] [-p PROFILE] [-i] [-v] [-o OUTFILE]
              {me,organizations,alerts,logs} ...

Command-line utility to interact with the Niddel Magnet v2 API (v1.4.1)

positional arguments:
    me                  display API key owner information
    organizations       list basic organization information
    alerts              list an organization's alerts
    logs                upload, download or list log files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PROFILE, --profile PROFILE
                        which profile (from ~/.magnetsdk/config) to obtain API
                        key from
  -i, --indent          indent JSON output
  -v, --verbose         set verbose mode
  -o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
                        destination file to write to, if exists will be

You can even use a persistent alert iterator by providing a file name with --persist when listing alerts:

$ niddel alerts -h
usage: niddel alerts [-h] [--start START] [-p PERSIST] [-f {json,cef}]

list an organization's alerts

positional arguments:
  organization          ID of the organization

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --start START         initial batch date to process in YYYY-MM-DD format
  -p PERSIST, --persist PERSIST
                        file to store persistent state data, to ensure only
                        alerts that haven't been seen before are part of the
  -f {json,cef}, --format {json,cef}
                        format in which to output alerts

Keep in mind that the persistence state is only saved immediately before the command exits, after all unprocessed alerts have been printed to stdout. So if the CLI utility is interrupted or if an exception occurs mid-processing, no state is saved and any alerts output in this failed execution are not considered processed.

The default output format for alerts is JSON, but if you provide --format cef then the ArcSight Common Event Format will be used instead.