Gameplay Demo Video


Welcome to the life of Ghengis

The goal of the game is to create a swarm by interacting with the women in the red shirt Unfortunately your swarm does not like you and will attempt to kill you Use WASD for controls, press P to play Press 'esc' to quit Messages will be displayed in the terminal This game was created using an entity component system, each entity posseses multiple components storing related data. The game engine was built using C++ and the SDL2 library.

How to run:

Clone project from github on win32 machine run "{pathtodirectory}\LifeOfGhengis\bin\Win32\Debug\GEngine.exe" on command window


If a linking error occurs resave texturemanager.cpp and compile it first. Make sure the proper SDL2 dependecies are installed. The game was developed on windows x86 debug settings.

Developed by Owen Stadlwieser

Refrences: Engine development: