Martin Rudolf and Owen Stadlwieser
CMPUT275 Assignment 2 Part 1

Description: Driving Route Finder (like Google Maps) for the Edmonton Area. The user can submit a request in a text file with their starting and ending coordinates from which the program will find a least cost path between the two. 

Files Contained:
Makefile wdigraph.cpp server.cpp dijkstra.cpp digraph.cpp dijkstra.h digraph.h wdigraph.h heap.h

Makefile Targets:
server(all) dijkstra.o server.o digraph.o  wdigraph.o clean

Running Instructions:
Navigate to the directory containing the files of "Files Contained". Enter "make server" to generate the "server" executable. Then, enter "./server < sample_input.txt > my_output.txt"; where sample_input.txt is a text file from which the program will read the start and end vertices for navigation and my_output.txt is the name of the desired text file to write the waypoints to.