Stevens Blueprint Website


Stevens Blueprint is a (TBD) studen-run organization at Stevens Institute of Technology devoted to matching the skills of its members to our desire to see social good enacted in our community. Each semester, teams of 4-5 students work closely with a non-profit to bring technological solutions to the problems they face every day.

Local Setup

  1. clone repo locally
git clone
  1. install all dependencies
npm install
  1. run
npm start

Contributing Basics

  1. create new branch and enter new branch
git checkout -b "feature/featureName"
  • Example: if you want to create an About Page, you'd run the following

    git checkout -b "feature/aboutPage"
  1. add, commit, push changes; when this is pushed from the feature branch, it will be a pull request
git add .
git commit -m "commit message"
  • on your first push using your new local branch you will need run -set-upstream

    git push --set-upstream origin feature/featureName
  • after the first time, you are good to push as normal

git push
  1. You're all set!

Make sure you stay up to date with main branch

Since your feature branch is expected to be pulled to main eventually, make sure your branch isn't too out of date. Do this occassionally so make sure your branch doesn't fall too far behind. More Info

  1. fetch the data
git fetch origin
  1. pull from the main branch
git pull origin main

Project Board

To Create Ticket:

  1. Click "Add Item" button at bottom of "TODO" column
  2. Add Appropriate name for Ticket and create a description
    • Bug Ticket: add 'Steps to Reproduce'
    • Task Ticket: add 'Definition of Done' detailing what needs to be completed to mark the ticket as done

To Pick Up Ticket:

  1. Assign ticket (can assign to yourself if you plan on working on it)
  2. Once you start working on it click "Convert to issue" button and click button to create a branch from the issue

Running ESLint and Prettier

Linting is the automatic checking of progromattic and style errors within the code. Linters ensure consistency amongst every team members code and helps prevent merge conflicts. This website is using ESLint and Prettier to enforce formatting and code-quality rules. The project also uses Husky's pre-commit hooks to automatically run ESLint and Prettier on the src/ folder whenever you make a commit. However, to run the two manually:

ESLint (the second option will fix most lint errors automatically, while the first stack traces them to show you where they are)

npm run eslint
npm run eslint:fix


npm run format


  • ReactJS (CRA: react, react-dom, react-scripts)
  • Tailwind (PostCSS, AutoPrefixer)
  • React-Router