
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

# Title Solution Explanation
0001 Two Sum Python3 Here
0009 Palindrome Number Python3 Here
0020 Valid Parentheses Python3 Here
0036 Valid Sudoku Python3 Here
0049 Group Anagrams Python3 Here
0121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Python3 Here
0125 Valid Palindrome Python3 Here
0167 Two Sum II: Input Array is Sorted Python3 Here
0217 Contains Duplicate Python3 Here
0238 Product of Array Except Self Python3 Here
0242 Valid Anagram Python3 Here
0347 Top K Frequent Elements Python3 Here
0704 Binary Search Python3 Here
2469 Convert the Temperature Python3 Here
3110 Score of a String Python3 Here
3324 Find the Sequence of Strings Appeared on the Screen Python3 Here
3325 Count Substrings with K Frequency Characters I Python3 Here
3326 Minimum Division Operations to Make Array Non-Decreasing Python3 Here
3330 Find the Original Typed String I Python3 Here
3331 Find Subtree Sizes After Changes Python3 Here