== Purpose ==
This is a plugin that aliases [miquote][/miquote] to [quote][/quote]. It achieves this by switching
the miquote tags out for regular quote before the post text is given to the BBcode parsing bit.

It supports all arguments that [quote] would normally support because this is just changing the tag out.

== Installing ==
1. Place ``miquote.php'' in inc/plugins.
2. Edit inc/functions_posting.php, line 215. Change the ``[quote . . . [/quote]'' to miquote and /miquote.
    * This fixes the quote button on the forums. 
    * MyBB doesn't have a hook that would let the plugin change this bit. Sorry. :/
3. Activate the plugin in the admin control panel.

== License ==
Do whatever you want. Go hog wild. I don't care.