Windbreakers In Skyrim Together


Windbreakers In Skyrim Together is a Skyrim Together wabbajack modlist.
I recommend you to read the mod page and browse the wiki before launching Skyrim Together for the first time.

System Requirements

Windbreakers In Skyrim Together only supports the English Steam version, as that is what Skyrim Together supports.
GOG and other Languages are not supported.

Only, Windows 10 and 11 work with Wabbajack fully. Other modified versions will not work.

Download Size: XX GB
Installation Size: XX GB
Total Size: XX GB


Installing WIST is super simple and if you have Nexus Premium it's even easier!


Before installing WIST, please complete the following. Or at the very least ensure the below have been done previously.

  1. Disable OneDrive and any other programs that may hook into user files.

  2. Change Skyrim settings to not automatically update. In your Steam library, right click Skyrim, Properties, Updates, and choose "Only update this game when I launch it".

  3. Completely uninstall Skyrim. Delete the Steam game folder and the Skyrim Special edition folder inside \Documents\My Games.

3.1 I repeat, disable OneDrive and any other programs that may hook into user files! Seriously, check again.

  1. Reinstall Skyrim into a location that is not Program files. If you don't have a folder outside Program files, try this.

  2. Start the game and let it do the graphics check. Settings don't really matter here, everything will be taken care of during installation.

  3. Disable any 3rd party antivirus such as MalwareBytes, BitDefender or Webroot. These have been known to mess with the installation process.

Additional Recommended Monitor Setup

I highly recommend taking a few minutes to go over monitor settings and calibrations if you can't remember the last time you have done so.

  • Set your graphics card to "Full Range"
    • NVIDIA: Right click on the desktop and go into the NVIDIA Control Panel. Under Display, Change Resolution, 3. Apply the following setting. Choose "Use NVIDIA color settings" and make sure "Output dynamic range: is set to "Full".
    • AMD: Right click on the desktop and select AMD Radeon Software. Under Display, Pixel Format, choose "Full RGB".
  • Calibrate your monitor
    • Start by setting your monitor back to default settings.
      • This will vary by make and model, please follow the manufacturer's instructions.
    • Lagom LCD is a great resource for calibration. Just focus on the black levels, there are instructions farther down on that page.

Installation Time

Installing Wabbajack

After completing the pre-installation steps, download the latest version of Wabbajack from GitHub. Extract it to something like C:\Wabbajack.
Do not install it in protected folders, such as program files, on your desktop or in your download folder. These locations will cause issues. It is also recommended to install on an SSD, it will work faster there. Note: Your downloaded file can be placed on an HDD, but please have Wabbajack and the modlist install be on SSD for a better experience.

Downloading and Installing Windbreakers In Skyrim Together

This can take a while depending on your computer and internet connection. Please have patience, even if it doesn't seem like Wabbajack is doing anything at times, it really is.

  1. Setup your install and download location. Something like C:\WIST or C:\Games\WIST would be great.
    1.1 Do not make these folders on your desktop or in downloads! These locations will cause issues. Again it is recommended to install on the list on an SSD, the game will run smoother there.
  2. Download the Wabbajack file from wherever I hosted it. I'll add a link when it's uploaded.
    2.1 Open Wabbajack and click on the "Install From Disk" icon.
  3. With "Target Modlist" navigate to your download folder and select the Depths of Saarthowl Wabbajack file.
  4. Set the "Modlist Installation Location" to the folder you setup in step 1.
    4.1 Make sure that "Modlist Installation Location" and "Resource Download Location" are different folders.
    4.2 The download folder does not have to be on an SSD, it will just work fast there.
    4.3 By default a resource folder should default to something like C:\WIST\downloads or C:\Games\WIST\downloads.
    4.4 If you install multiple lists it is acceptable and recommended to share a download folder to save space.
  5. Press the play button to start the process.
    5.1 If you have Nexus Premium it is just a waiting game!
    5.2 If you do not, sorry not sorry. There will be a lot of mods to click download for. Put on a movie and do it over the course of a day or two.
    5.3 Reminder, auto clickers are against the Nexus ToS. Don't do it, just grab a month of premium if you can afford it.
  6. While Wabbajack is installing, feel free to read through this ReadMe again or check out the FAQ and GameplayChanges.
  7. Once the install is successful skip down to Post Install!
    7.1 If the install is not successful try the steps under Install Problems.

Install Problems

You may run into problems while using Wabbajack. Don't worry we'll figure it out! Here are a few common problems and solutions.

  • Could not download X:
    • Large files can fail at times. This can be due to Nexus or your internet connection.
    • Either run Wabbajack again or try downloading the problem file and moving it into the download folder set in Wabbajack.


Stock Game

WIST utilizes a Wabbajack feature called Stock Game.
This creates a copy of your Skyrim install within the modlist. This leaves your Steam folder clean and allows the list to be safe from Steam updates.

Alternate Start

WIST uses Optional Quick Start to get you into the game quick. It is highly recommended to use it and skip the intro.

Playing the List

✔️ Have Fun!

Starting up the list

Open the installation folder you set and double click on the program called ModOrganizer.exe.

Make sure the dropdown box on the right is set to Skyrim Together Reborn - Client. The first time you launch it, or after an update, hold space as you press Run button.
This will bring up another window. You will need to navigate to where you have installed WIST, go into the Game Root folder and select the SkyrimSE.exe.

In-Game MCM options

WIST comes with an MCM recorder to get your game setup! No extra worked required. Just give it a moment after character creation to run and you're all set.