
Own Blockchain SDK for JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Own Blockchain SDK for JavaScript

Quick Start

$ git clone https://github.com/OwnMarket/OwnBlockchainSdkJS.git
$ cd OwnBlockchainSdkJS/Source
$ npm ci

Run tests:

$ npm test


Own Blockchain SDK for JS can be used in two scenarios:

  • own-blockchain-sdk npm package
  • own-blockchain-sdk.js standalone library

NPM Package

Add package to the project:

$ npm install own-blockchain-sdk

Use the package in JS code:

var ownSdk = require('own-blockchain-sdk');

// Create a new wallet
var wallet = ownSdk.crypto.generateWallet();

// Compose a transaction with nonce = 1 and actionFee = 0.1
var tx = ownSdk.transactions.createTx(wallet.address, 1, 0.1);
tx.addTransferChxAction('CHxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 100); // Transfer 100 CHX to CHxxx... address.

// Look at the raw transaction in JSON format

// Sign the transaction for submission to node API on TestNet
console.log(tx.sign(networkCode, wallet.privateKey));

Standalone Library

When own-blockchain-sdk.js library is referenced from the browser app, it will create a global ownBlockchainSdk object, which contains all the SDK functionality in nested modules.

Examples of how to use the SDK can be found in the demo directory. Especially useful is the browser-demo.html file, which shows how to generate private key and address pairs and sign transactions.

Build Standalone Library

To build a standalone library for the browser, Browserify package is required:

$ sudo npm install -g browserify

Build is started using the build.sh script (build.bat for Windows):

$ ./build.sh

This results in own-blockchain-sdk.js file being created in dist directory.