
Distributed MinIO S3 for our video storage needs

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minio-microk8s-ansible – MinIO S3 Object Storage with MicroK8s Load Balancing/Ingress

Ansible playbook to configure our Ubuntu 22 servers to run a distributed MinIO S3 service. MicroK8s is used here as a sidecar to provide container platform capabilities, load balancing, and handle internet ingress.

Getting Started

Clone the repo:

git clone git@github.com:OwnTube-tv/minio-microk8s-ansible.git
cd minio-microk8s-ansible/

Create a virtual environment and install the dependencies:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Add the Ansible Vault password to a file named .ansible_vault_password and restrict readability:

echo theSecretAnsibleVaultPassword > .ansible_vault_password
chmod og-r .ansible_vault_password

Verify that the hosts are reachable:

ansible minio_microk8s_servers -m ping

Run through the bootstrap playbook in --check mode to verify that provisioning can execute:

ansible-playbook 0-bootstrap.yml --check

Live Deployment

Initial Setup

The initial setup steps for a live deployment are as follows:

  1. Run the 0-bootstrap.yml playbook to prepare the server baseline for MinIO and MicroK8s setup:

    ansible-playbook 0-bootstrap.yml

    Follow the instructions in the end of the playbook to establish HA clustering for MicroK8s.

  2. Run the 1-microk8s-cluster.yml playbook to set up MicroK8s add-ons and configure the cluster:

    ansible-playbook 1-microk8s-cluster.yml

    After the successful completion of the playbook, you can access the Kubernetes dashboard at https://k8s-dashboard.owntube.tv/ with a proper certificate and login with a token created from one of the MicroK8s cluster nodes:

    kubectl get secret -n kube-system microk8s-dashboard-token \
      -o jsonpath="{.data.token}" | base64 -d
  3. Run the 2-minio-servers.yml playbook to set up the MinIO S3 object storage service:

    ansible-playbook -e @secrets.yml 2-minio-servers.yml

    After the successful completion of the playbook, you can access the MinIO web interface at https://minio.owntube.tv/ and be able to log in with the root username and password.

Add OpenID Connect using Auth0

Setup steps to integrate MinIO with Auth0 OpenID Connect for user authentication and authorization:

  1. Create an OpenID Connect application in your Auth0 tenant the following parameters:

    application_type=Regular Web Application
  2. Configure your Auth0 tenant with the Auth0 PostLogin Action "Add MinIO Policy OpenID Claim" and set the following "secrets":

  3. Configure the Ansible project secrets.yml with the config URL, client ID and client secret for the OpenID application (from setup step 1):

    minio_auth0_oauth_config_url: https://owntube-tv.eu.auth0.com/.well-known/openid-configuration
    minio_auth0_oauth_client_id: XIa**************************MzK
    minio_auth0_oauth_client_secret: 6-B**********************************************************koW
  4. Run the 3-minio-auth0-oidc.yml playbook to configure MinIO with Auth0 OpenID Connect:

    ansible-playbook -e @secrets.yml 3-minio-oidc.yml

    After the successful completion of the playbook, you can access the MinIO web interface at https://minio.owntube.tv/ and find that the old username/password form have been replaced by a button with the text "GitHub-Auth0 authentication" and be able to authenticate using your GitHub identity. When returning to the login screen after GitHub-Auth0 authentication, you will find an error about the JWT Claim for policy does not exist; continue and set up in step 5.

  5. Login to the MinIO web interface as admin using the "Other Authentication Methods" > "Use Credentials" drop-down menu and create the following policies and buckets:

    1. Create a bucket named "auth0-openid-noaccess", then configure a policy named "noaccess" for unknown users to login and have only read access to the "auth0-openid-noaccess" bucket:

          "Version": "2012-10-17",
          "Statement": [
                  "Effect": "Allow",
                  "Action": [
                  "Resource": [
    2. Create a bucket named "swt-pt-dev-1", then configure a policy named "swt-readwrite" for special users that are mapped to this role using the Auth0 Action (setup step 2):

            "Version": "2012-10-17",
            "Statement": [
                    "Effect": "Allow",
                    "Action": [
                    "Resource": [
    3. Create a bucket named "ot-pt-dev-1", then configure a policy named "ot-readwrite" for special users that are mapped to this role using the Auth0 Action (setup step 2):

          "Version": "2012-10-17",
          "Statement": [
                  "Effect": "Allow",
                  "Action": [
                  "Resource": [
  6. Verify that the Auth0 OpenID Connect integration works by logging in to https://minio.owntube.tv/ with ...

    1. a user that does not have a policy mapped to it, expect to only see the "auth0-openid-noaccess" bucket listed in the Object Browser, with read-only access only

    2. a user that has its email mapped to the policy "ot-readwrite", expect to only see the "ot-pt-dev-1" bucket listed in the Object Browser and verify that the user is able to administer the bucket via https://minio.owntube.tv/console/buckets/ot-pt-dev-1/admin/

    3. a user that has its email mapped to the policy "swt-readwrite", expect to only see the "swt-pt-dev-1" bucket listed in the Object Browser and verify that the user is able to administer the bucket via https://minio.owntube.tv/console/buckets/swt-pt-dev-1/admin/


For ideas on enhancements, discussing worthwhile feature to have, or if you wish to contribute improvements on your own, please reach out to @mblomdahl ⚡ by opening a new Issue.