
Discord Bot to automatically ban a user whose username contains a specific string.

Primary LanguagePython

Discord AutoBan

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Discord Bot to automatically ban a user whose username contains a specific string.

Originally made by @Whismirk to counter the spam of bots pointing to h0nde (Twitter)
Improved by @Rikj000 to counter the spam of bots pointing to the MoniGoMani (Discord)


  • If you don't have it yet, install python.
  • Install discord.py via pip (guide here).


  • If you don't have a dev app yet, create one on https://discord.com/developers/applications/.

  • Create a bot for your app. Save its token for later.

  • Grant privileged gateway intents to your newly made bot (just tick the options).

  • Invite the bot on your server, with appropriate permissions (namely, read and ban).

  • Then, in autoban.py, configure the SETTINGS section to your needs:

    • You can get user_ids by going into your Discord settings => Advanced => Enable Developer Mode.
    • Then right click on a user and at the bottom of the options menu you will be able to copy the user_id.
    # === ↓ SETTINGS ↓ ============================================================
    target_strings = [
    whitelisted_user_ids = [
        123456789123456789,  # your_moderator_user_id_here
        123456789123456789,  # your_moderator_user_id_here
    ban_reason = 'Verification, the server name or moderator names are not allowed in the username to prevent scammers.'
    bot_token = 'your_bot_token_here'
    kick_instead_of_ban = False  # set to True to kick users instead of banning
    # === ↑ SETTINGS ↑ ============================================================
  • Finally, run autoban.py inside your terminal of choice. (The bot will only work while the script is running)

  • Optional: A Dockerfile has been added to make running with docker possible 🙂