
Collection of small tips and tricks for C++


Collection of small tips and tricks for C++


As a C++ user, I had a hard time learning the rules and best practices of this awesome language.
There are so many things that we can do with it, but it doesn't come without costs: the notorious complexity and steep learning curve.

I also had to struggle with many compiler errors which don't always point to the problem directly,
and it took me so much time to figure out the details which were the core reasons for my error.
Although there are numerous tutorials suited for each level of proficiency,
I've discovered that the situation and requirements we face are simply uncountable that even these nice guides can't cover them all.

These kinds of practical information or know-hows we earn by countless trial and error are hardly known to C++ beginners.
It also takes quite a long time to do so, therefore I couldn't just recommend others to learn it through experiences just like I did.

That's exactly the reason why I chose to make this repository:
to share my experience with others so that they can solve different problems
they might face in the future with minimal effort and advance their skills.

I still highly appreciate learning through trial and error.
Making toy projects and surfing Stackoverflow to solve each problem you face are precious experiences
that will let you stand on your own and face challenges you can overcome with some effort.

By the way, I highly recommend reading c++ language reference created by Microsoft!
Beginners might not get much out of it but I believe intermediate users would find out
the features they've never knew or concepts which were misunderstood, while reading this document from A to Z.

Not C++ specific but useful documents

List of Contents

Language Features

Initialization and Construction

Function Parameters and Perfect Forwarding

Linkage and Scope

Tricky Behaviors


Other Tips

Language Features

Trailing return type

#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>

// Trailing return type was introduced in c++11
// This not only looks cool, but also helps writing
// template functions with return type dependent on the template type. 
template<typename A, typename B>
auto multiply(A a, B b) -> decltype(a*b)
    return a * b;

// Return types can be automatically deduced since C++14, so you can omit the -> part.
template<typename A, typename B>
auto multiply2(A a, B b)
    return a * b;

// Note that expressions passed to decltype() are not evaluated.
// If you compile and execute this program, you'll see nothing happens.
// You can also know that it's true because static_assert works.
int foo()
    std::cout << "foo() was executed" << std::endl;
    return 0;

auto main() -> int
    static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(foo()), int>); // decltype(foo()) is same as int.

Check out this link for more information.

Structured binding

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <map>

using namespace std::string_literals;

struct CustomType
    int i;
    double d;

// Warning: this example is solely dedicated to demonstrating the structured binding feature.
// Try to use a struct instead of a tuple if returning multiple values is needed.
// Tuple elements do not have a name, which makes the values hard to understand without looking at the description.
// Structs, on the other hand, have named member variables which are quite self-explanatory.
auto getStudentInfo()
    auto age = 17;
    auto height = 175.3;
    auto name = "Jack"s;

    return std::tuple{age, height, name};

int main()
    // Structured binding enhances readability by giving names
    // to elements of aggregate objects like key-value pair.
        auto m = std::map<int, double>{{1, 1.11}, {2, 2.22}};

        // Double the values of m.
        std::cout << "Basic for loop using iterator:" << std::endl;
        for (auto it = m.begin(); it != m.end(); ++it)
            std::cout << "changing m[" << it->first << "] to " << it->second * 2 << std::endl;
            it->second *= 2;

        // Do the same thing using structured binding.
        std::cout << "Range-based for loop using structured binding:" << std::endl;
        for (auto& [key, value] : m)
            std::cout << "changing m[" << key << "] to " << value * 2 << std::endl;
            value *= 2;

    // Structured binding can be used to give names to tuple elements
        auto [age, height, name] = getStudentInfo();
        std::cout << "name: " << name << ", age: " << age << ", height: " << height << std::endl;

    // It also works on custom types!
        auto [numItems, totalWeight] = CustomType{33, 99.0};
        std::cout << "number of items: " << numItems << ", avg weight: " << totalWeight / numItems << std::endl;

Expected output:

Basic for loop using iterator:
changing m[1] to 2.22
changing m[2] to 4.44
Range-based for loop using structured binding:
changing m[1] to 4.44
changing m[2] to 8.88
name: Jack, age: 17, height: 175.3
number of items: 33, avg weight: 3

Virtual destructor

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

class Base
    // Making parent class have virtual destructor lets the compiler
    // check if the instance that Base* is pointing at is a derived class
    // such that it requires additional destructor calls such as ~Derived()
    /*virtual*/ ~Base()
        std::cout << "~Base" << std::endl;

class Derived : public Base
        std::cout << "~Derived" << std::endl;

int main()
    // OK: base and derived are both released
    Derived* d = new Derived();
    delete d; // ~Derived ~Base

    // Bad: only the base region is released (memory leak can happen!)
    Base* b = new Derived();
    delete b; // ~Base

    // Ok: smart pointers store the destructor they should call, so it works without virtual destructors
    std::shared_ptr<Base> sb = std::make_shared<Derived>();
    sb.reset(); // ~Derived ~Base

There's a short article about smart pointers working well without a virtual destructor

Fold expressions for variadic template

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std::string_literals;

template<typename First, typename... Others>
auto sum(First first, Others... others)
    // There are four types of fold expression:
    // 1. binary left fold: (init op ... op pack)
    // 2. binary right fold: (pack op ... op init)
    // 3. unary left fold: (... op pack)
    // 4. unary right fold: (pack op ...)
    // left fold groups the leftmost term first, while right fold groups the rightmost one.
    // ex) if parameters are given as E1, E2, E3, E4, and E5,
    // (... + others) turns into ((((E1 + E2) + E3) + E4) + E5), while
    // (others + ...) turns into (E1 + (E2 + (E3 + (E4 + E5))))
    // The expression below expands to (((first + second) + third) + ...) + last;
    return (first + ... + others);

auto main() -> int
    // Since sum uses a left fold, std::string + string literal is performed consequently, creating a std::string as a result.
    // If we passed string literal as the first parameter, compiler would complain that (const char* + const char*) is an invalid operation.
    std::cout << sum("Hello, "s, "world", "!") << std::endl; // prints Hello, world!

Check out this cppreference page for more information.

Designated initializer (ft. named parameter)

struct Args
    int x;
    int y;

auto foo(Args args) -> void
    // Do something with args.x and args.y

auto main() -> int
    // From c++20, you can initialize structs with member names.
    // By packing function arguments into one struct,
    // you can mimic the 'named parameter' feature of other languages like Python!
    foo({.x = 2, .y = -4});

Commas can be used in two ways: separator and operator

#include <iostream>

void foo(double d)
    std::cout << d << std::endl;

void foo(int i, double d)
    std::cout << i << " " << d << std::endl;

int main()
    int i = 1;
    double j = 2.2;
    // We usually use commas as separators because
    // not only do we intend that but also comma operators have one of the lowest priorities.
    foo(i++, j += 1.1); // prints 1 3.3
    // But if we just put enough parenthesis to give a chance for a comma to be interpreted as an operator,
    // the whole expression is turned into a sequential evaluation where the rightmost term is returned.
    // The example below is identical to this:
    //   i++;
    //   j+=1.1;
    //   std::cout << j << std::endl;
    foo((i++, j += 1.1)); // prints 4.4
    // Note that the types of each expression don't have to be identical, unlike ternary operator.
    std::cout << (i++, j += 1.1) << std::endl; // prints 5.5

Dynamic and static cast for smart pointers

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

// Base1 and Derived1 are polymorphic.
// Use std::dynamic_pointer_cast for such classes.
class Base1
    virtual ~Base1() = default; // We need at least one virtual function for dynamic_cast to work
class Derived1 : public Base1 {};

// Base2 and Derived2 are not polymorphic.
// Use std::static_pointer_cast for such classes.
class Base2 {};
class Derived2 : public Base2 {};

int main()
    // Case 1) polymorphic class
        std::shared_ptr<Base1> pBase = std::make_shared<Derived1>(); // Ok: usual upcasting
        // Cast to a relevant type
        std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Derived1>(pBase); // Ok: pBase is pointing at a complete object of Derived1
        std::static_pointer_cast<Derived1>(pBase); // Uhhh: this works because we know pBase poitns to a Derived1 instance

        // Cast to an irrelevant type
        std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Derived2>(pBase); // Bad: the cast fails at runtime and nullptr is returned
        std::static_pointer_cast<Derived2>(pBase); // Error: invalid 'static_cast' from type Base1* to type Derived2*

        // Wait, do we even need a downcast like dynamic_cast while we use polymorphism?
        // In principle, your code should not depend on concrete class (i.e. derived class) but interface (i.e. base class).
        // That means using dynamic_cast or std::dynamic_pointer_cast is also considered as a code smell!
        // If you ever find yourself in such situation, try to redesign your class hierachy so that everything can be done without downcasting.

    // Case 2) nonpolymorphic class
        std::shared_ptr<Base2> pBase = std::make_shared<Derived2>(); // Ok: usual upcasting

        // Cast to a relevant type
        std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Derived2>(pBase); // Error: source type is not polymorphic
        std::static_pointer_cast<Derived2>(pBase); // Ok: pBase is pointing at a complete object of Derived2

        // Cast to an irrelevant type
        std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Derived1>(pBase); // Error: source type is not polymorphic
        std::static_pointer_cast<Derived1>(pBase); // Error: invalid 'static_cast' from type Base2* to type Derived1*

Three ways of overloading binary operators

struct Int
    int val;

    // Case 1) member function
    constexpr Int operator+(const Int& other) const
        return { val + other.val };

    // Case 2) global function with access to private members
    friend constexpr Int operator-(const Int& lhs, const Int& rhs)
        return { lhs.val - rhs.val };

// Case 3) global function with access to public members only
constexpr bool operator==(const Int& lhs, const Int& rhs)
    return lhs.val == rhs.val;

int main()
    static_assert(Int{2} + Int{3} == Int{5});
    static_assert(Int{2} - Int{3} == Int{-1});

The meaning of 'qualified name' and 'unqualified access'

// Qualified name is a full name that includes an identifier's namespace or class name.
// Qualified access means we specify the identifier by its full name (e.g. std::vector).
// Unqualified access, on the other hand, means that we omit some parts of the qualified name while we specify an identifier.
// This is possible in some places like nested namespace or a region after using namespace ~ statement is used.
namespace Toolbox
    // The qualified name (i.e. the full name) for this function is Toolbox::three.
    int three() { return 3; }

    namespace Math
        // The qualified name for this function is Toolbox::Math::triple.
        // Since Math is a nested namespace, everything declared in the parent namespace 'Toolbox'
        // can be accessed without qualifiers (i.e. unqualified access).
        // This means that instead of Toolbox::three(), we can simply write three().
        int triple(int val) { return val * three(); }

Name mangling and extern "C"

// C++ allows function overloading.
// This means that there could be multiple functions with the same name but different parameters.
// To let the compiler distinguish these symbols, C++ gives each function a new unique name.
// For example, appending the parameter type as a prefix should suffice to distinguish the two foo() below.
// ex) foo(int) -> foo_i, foo(double) -> foo_d
void foo(int);
void foo(double);

// By specifying extern "C", you can turn off name mangling.
// This will make function overloading impossible, but the function will be usable in C projects.
extern "C" void goo();

// You can also use a scope to avoid writing extern "C" one by one.
extern "C"

void haha();
void hoho();


Using 'auto' as parameter type

// Valid from C++20
void foo(auto arg)
    std::cout << arg;

// This allows us to use concepts with minimal effort
// Note: std::integral is a standard concept defined in header <concepts>
auto square(std::integral auto value)
    return value * value;

// Traditional template usage and 'auto' can coexist
template<typename T>
void goo(T first, auto... others)
    std::cout << first;

// You can also use variadic template and perfect forwarding
void print(auto&&... args)
    // A fold expression using the comma operator that expands to
    // (((std::cout << arg1 << " "), (std::cout << arg2 << " ")), ...)
    ((std::cout << std::forward<decltype(args)>(args) << " "), ...);

int main()
    print("haha", 1234, 5.6); // Prints "haha 1234 5.6 "


#include <iostream>
#include <concepts>

// Suppose that we want to make a concept that checks
// the existence of member function "Ret T::operator(Arg arg)".
// The concept proposed below does work
// when T and Arg both have default constructors.
// But what if they don't...?
// Although decltype() expression doesn't get evaluated,
// invalid expressions will cause substitution failure!
template<typename T, typename Ret, typename Arg>
concept Function = std::is_same_v<decltype(T{}(Arg{})), Ret>;

// std::declval<T>() comes in handy in such cases.
// It returns an lvalue reference type without calling a constructor,
// allowing us to assume that an instance of T exists!
template<typename T, typename Ret, typename Arg>
concept Function2 = std::is_same_v<decltype(std::declval<T>()(std::declval<Arg>())), Ret>;

// We can also use the 'requires clause' to implement the same feature.
// To make things more interesting,
// let's make a concept for variadic functions.
template<typename T, typename Ret, typename... Arg>
concept Function3 = requires(T func) {
    { func(std::declval<Arg>()...) } -> std::same_as<Ret>;

// A test function that only accepts instances with
// member function "void operator()(std::string_view)"
template<typename T>
    requires Function3<T, void, std::string_view>
void test(T func) {
    func("wow this works!");

// A test functor that doesn't have a default constructor
class PrintMultipleTimes
    PrintMultipleTimes(int repeat) : repeat(repeat) {}

    void operator()(std::string_view message)
        for (int i = 0; i < repeat; ++i)
            std::cout << message << std::endl;

    int repeat;

int main()
    // Works with lambda
    test([](std::string_view s) {
        std::cout << s << std::endl;

    // Also works with objects that cannot be default-constructed

Member function/variable pointer

struct Test
    int mem_var;

    int mem_func(double, bool) {}

int main()
    auto test = Test{};

    // How to understand the type step by step:
    // 1. *mem_func_ptr ==> mem_func_ptr is a pointer
    // 2. Test::*mem_func_ptr ==> ... to a member of Test
    // 3. (Test::*mem_func_ptr)(double, bool) ==> ... which is a function with double and bool arguments
    // 4. int (Test::*mem_func_ptr)(double, bool) ==> ... that returns int
    int (Test::*mem_func_ptr)(double, bool) = &Test::mem_func;

    // Similar to the example above, the type of mem_var_ptr implies that
    // mem_var_ptr is a pointer to a member of Test which is an integer.
    int Test::*mem_var_ptr = &Test::mem_var;

    // Using the pointers to access member function/variable.
    (test.*mem_func_ptr)(1.0, true); // test.mem_func(1.0, true);
    test.*mem_var_ptr = 4567; // test.mem_var = 4567;

Making return values more noticeable with [[nodiscard]]

// [[nodiscard]] is an attribute that tells the compiler
// to warn you whenever a return value is not used.
// This could be useful when ignoring the return value makes
// the function call useless or cause problems like memory leak.
[[nodiscard]] bool is_empty();

void foo()
    is_empty(); // Warning: return value ignored
Example scenario where ignoring a return value leads to a dangling pointer problem
#include <functional>
#include <memory>

template<typename T>
class Event
    // Add an event handler and return its ID.
    // The ID should be used to unregister the callback
    // when it no longer needs to subscribe.
    /*[[nodiscard]]*/ int register_callback(std::function<void(T)>&& callback)
        /* ... */
        return callback_id;

    // Remove an event handler with specified callback ID.
    void unregister_callback(int callback_id)
        /* ... */

    // Invoke registered callbacks.
    void signal(T arg)
        /* ... */

class Player
    Player(Event<int>& on_enemy_attack)
        // We forgot to use the return value!
        // Things will get messy when the event outlives this instance,
        // but currently there is no way we can notice the danger
        // before we actually run into a bug.
        on_enemy_attack.register_callback([this](int damage){
            hp -= damage;

    int hp = 100;

// Suppose that we are making an action game.
int main()
    // This will be invoked whenever an enemy tries to attack the player.
    auto on_enemy_attack = Event<int>();

    // Player gets spawned on the map and start fighting.
    auto player = std::make_shared<Player>(on_enemy_attack);

    // During combat, the player dies and the object gets destroyed.

    // Right after the player's death,
    // a delayed attack from an enemy triggers on_enemy_attack.
    // Since the callback registered by player still remains,
    // now we face a dangling pointer/reference problem.

Initialization and Construction

Initializing std::vector with initializer-list always invokes copy constructor

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>

struct Test
    int id;

    Test(int id)
        : id(id)
        std::cout << "default constructor " << id << std::endl;
    Test(const Test& other)
        : id(other.id)
        std::cout << "copy constructor " << id << std::endl;
    Test(Test&& other)
        : id(other.id)
        std::cout << "move constructor " << id << std::endl;
    Test& operator=(const Test& other)
        id = other.id;
        std::cout << "copy assignment " << id << std::endl;
        return *this;
    Test& operator=(Test&& other)
        id = other.id;
        std::cout << "move assignment " << id << std::endl;
        return *this;
    ~Test() = default;

int main()
    // Two Test instances are created and copied.
    auto v = std::vector<Test>{{1}, {2}};

    std::cout << "======== reserve ========" << std::endl;

    // While the vector is resizing, copy constructors are called.

    std::cout << "======== push_back ========" << std::endl;

    // Given that v has enough space, push_back also invokes move constructor!
    // One default constructor and one move constructor are called.

    std::cout << "======== emplace_back ========" << std::endl;
    // Default constructor is called.
    // Although push_back(T&&) exists, emplace_back still has advantage on not creating temporary objects.
    // Note that only emplace_back is capable of perfect forwarding!
    /* This is thereby impossible because std::unique_ptr doesn't have a copy constructor.
    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Test>> {

Expected output:

default constructor 1
default constructor 2
copy constructor 1
copy constructor 2
======== reserve ========
copy constructor 1
copy constructor 2
======== push_back ========
default constructor 3
move constructor 3
======== emplace_back ========
default constructor 4

Check out this stackoverflow question for more information on difference between push_back and emplace_back.
On the other hand, this stackoverflow question handles the std::vector<std::unique_ptr<T>> initialization issue.

const std::string& and std::string_view can also cause allocation

void foo(const std::string&) {}
void foo2(std::string_view) {}

int main()
    // Example 1) use of const std::string& causing an allocation
        foo("asdf"); // temporary std::string instance is created!
        foo2("asdf"); // no allocation happens.
    // Example 2) use of std::string_view causing an allocation
        std::string fileContent{"content of a 4GB file"};
        std::string_view contentView{fileContent};

        // Do some stuffs using substrings of fileContent.
        // Note that std::string_view can handle substrings efficiently.

        std::string anotherString(contentView); // Oops! We've just created another 4GB string on our memory
        std::string anotherString2(std::move(fileContent)); // Consider using move semantics if you no longer need the original instance

Example 2 is quite artificial and probably no one would ever do that intentionally.
So just remember two things:

  1. References and views does NOT guarantee that no allocation will happen.
    These might lead to extra allocation or creation of temporary objects when misused.
  2. In some cases, std::move might be a better option over references and views.

Declaring and initializing static member variables at the same time (in a header file)


class IDGenerator
    // Valid from C++17.
    // Specifying 'inline' can be thought as telling the compiler that
    // we are going to violate ODR but in a gentle way (same definition everywhere),
    // so you should pick one and use it as if it were declared only once.
    // Though 'inline' keyword doesn't always make things have external linkage,
    // it is usually involved with symbols that are external (e.g. static inline member variables).
    // I think that's because symbols with internal linkage have no problem dealing with ODR.
    // Note that 'inline static' and 'static inline' have the same effect,
    // but the latter is preferred because 'static' is a storage class specifier
    // and C standard says that such keywords should come first.
    // Static member variables have external linkage if a class has external linkage.
    // Classes are external by default, but anonymous namespace can make things internal.
    // That means static data members can have internal linkage
    // if a class is declared inside an anonymous namespace (i.e. has internal linkage).
    static inline int nextID = 0;

// An anonymous namespace
    class Test // internal linkage
        static inline int test = 1234; // internal linkage

Check out this stackoverflow question for more information on 'inline static' vs 'static inline'.
This stackoverflow question, on the other hand, will help you distinguish 'inline' and 'external linkage'.

How to initialize a reference member (ft. member initializer list)

struct Device {};

struct Renderer
    // Note: using reference type for member variables has several downsides.
    // 1. We can't perform assignment without copying the referenced object.
    //    - 'ref = otherRef' does NOT change what 'ref' points to (it invokes copy assignment)
    // 2. We can't use a default constructor.
    //    - 'int& i;' is invalid (alias to nothing doesn't make sense)
    // Since this topic is too heavy for a single comment block,
    // I'll leave a link below for those who want further information.
    Device& device;

    // Member variables are initialized before we reach the first line of a constructor.
    // This means that '=' inside a constructor implies an assignment.
    // Since default initialization is not available for reference type,
    // we need another place to perform initialization prior to the function body.
    // That's where 'member initializer list' comes into play.
    // Things written here are executed before the constructor body.
    Renderer(Device& device)
        : device(device) // This section is the member initializer list.
    Renderer(Device& device) // Error: uninitialized reference member ('Device& Renderer::device' should be initialized)
        // The line below isn't an initialization; it copies 'device' into 'this->device'!
        // Considering that reference types are used to avoid copying, this behavior is hardly intended.
        this->device = device; 

int main()
    Device d;
    Renderer r(d);

'References, simply' by Herb Sutter for deeper analysis and guidelines about reference type.

Function Parameters and Perfect Forwarding

Rvalue reference parameter is an lvalue

#include <iostream>

void foo(const std::string&)
    std::cout << "lvalue ";

void foo(std::string&&)
    std::cout << "rvalue ";

void test(std::string&& s)
    foo(s); // foo(const std::string&)
    foo(std::move(s)); // foo(std::string&&)

int main()
    // prints 'lvalue rvalue'
    test("Use std::move if your constructor should 'move' rvalue reference parameters");

Template argument deduction (ft. std::forward and universal reference)

// Still cleaning up the mess...

#include <type_traits>

template<typename T>
void test(T param) {}

template<typename T>
void testR(T& param) {}

template<typename T>
void testCR(const T& param) {}

template<typename T>
void testUR(T&& param) {}

// Add & at the type
template<typename T>
using R = T&;

// Add && at the type
template<typename T>
using RR = T&&;

// Get the return type of std::forward on instance of type T
template<typename T>
using forwardType = decltype(std::forward<T>(std::declval<T>()));

// Get the return type of std::move on instance of type T
template<typename T>
using moveType = decltype(std::move<T>(std::declval<T>()));

int main()
    // Reference collapsing
        static_assert(std::is_same_v<R<int&>, int&>);    // T& &   -> T&
        static_assert(std::is_same_v<R<int&&>, int&>);   // T&& &  -> T&
        static_assert(std::is_same_v<RR<int&>, int&>);   // T& &&  -> T&
        static_assert(std::is_same_v<RR<int&&>, int&&>); // T&& && -> T&&

    // std::forward performs static_cast<T&&>, using the last two reference collapsing rules.
        static_assert(std::is_same_v<forwardType<int&>, int&>);
        static_assert(std::is_same_v<forwardType<int&&>, int&&>);
        static_assert(std::is_same_v<forwardType<const int&>, const int&>);
        static_assert(std::is_same_v<forwardType<const int&&>, const int&&>);

    // std::move makes everything && without touching const qualifier
        static_assert(std::is_same_v<moveType<int&>, int&&>);
        static_assert(std::is_same_v<moveType<int&&>, int&&>);
        static_assert(std::is_same_v<moveType<const int&>, const int&&>);
        static_assert(std::is_same_v<moveType<const int&&>, const int&&>);

    // Let's see how template functions declared with parameter type as T, T&, const T&, and T&&
    // deduce the type of parameter i when variables with various const reference qualifiers are passed.
    int i = 1;
    const int ci = 1;
    int& ri = i;
    const int& cri = ci;

    // test(T param): strips all consts and references
        test(1); // int
        test(i); // int
        test(ri); // int
        test(ci); // int
        test(cri); // int
        test(std::move(i)); // int
        test(std::move(ri)); // int
        test(std::move(ci)); // int
        test(std::move(cri)); // int

    // testR(T& param): accepts everything as reference without changing const qualifier, but rejects rvalue
        //testR(1); // Error: passing rvalue of type int as lvalue reference of type int&
        testR(i); // int&
        testR(ri); // int&
        testR(ci); // const int&
        testR(cri); // const int&
        //testR(std::move(i)); // Error: passing rvalue of type int as lvalue reference of type int&
        //testR(std::move(ri)); // Error: passing rvalue of type int as lvalue reference of type int&
        testR(std::move(ci)); // const int&
        testR(std::move(cri)); // const int&

    // testCR(const T& param): makes everything const reference
        testCR(1); // const int&
        testCR(i); // const int&
        testCR(ri); // const int&
        testCR(ci); // const int&
        testCR(cri); // const int&
        testCR(std::move(i)); // const int&
        testCR(std::move(ri)); // const int&
        testCR(std::move(ci)); // const int&
        testCR(std::move(cri)); // const int&
    // testUR(T&& param): what we pass is what we get! (T&& is called the 'universal reference')
        testUR(1); // int&&
        testUR(i); // int&
        testUR(ri); // int&
        testUR(ci); // const int&
        testUR(cri); // const int&
        testUR(std::move(i)); // int&&
        testUR(std::move(ri)); // int&&
        testUR(std::move(ci)); // const int&&
        testUR(std::move(cri)); // const int&&

Why do we need std::forward in addition to universal reference? (ft. perfect forwarding)

#include <utility>

struct Test{};

constexpr int foo(Test&)
    return 0;

constexpr int foo(Test&&)
    return 1;

// A template function using universal reference only.
template<typename T>
constexpr int goo1(T&& arg)
    return foo(arg);

// A template function that also uses std::forward.
template<typename T>
constexpr int goo2(T&& arg)
    return foo(std::forward<T>(arg));

int main()
    Test t;

    // Since universal reference should give T the exact type we pass,
    // it seems like goo1 should also be able to distinguish lvalue and rvalue parameters.
    // However, goo1 always calls foo(Test&) because the parameter 'arg' itself is an lvalue!
    static_assert(goo1(Test{}) == goo1(t));

    // On the other hand, goo2 succeeds calling foo(Test&&) for an rvalue parameter.
    // That's because std::forward behaves like std::move() on rvalue parameters while having no effect on lvalue parameters due to reference collapsing.
    // Note: given that T is Test&& in this case, std::forward<T> performs static_cast<Test&& &&> which becomes Test&&.
    // Forwarding refers to the act of passing arguments to other functions just as we did with foo and goo.
    // Since universal reference and std::forward does it perfectly,
    // we call this kind of implementation 'perfect forwarding'.
    static_assert(goo2(Test{}) != goo2(t));

Perfect forwarding in a lambda

#include <string>

using namespace std::string_literals;

constexpr int LValRef = 1;
constexpr int RValRef = 2;

constexpr int foo(const std::string&)
    return LValRef;

constexpr int foo(std::string&&)
    return RValRef;

int main()
    // Method 1) generic lambda (c++14)
    auto lambda1 = [](auto&& str) {
        // return foo(std::forward(str)); // Error: template argument deduction/substitution failed
        return foo(std::forward<decltype(str)>(str));

    // Method 2) template lambda (c++20)
    auto lambda2 = []<typename T>(T&& str) {
        // return foo(std::forward(str)); // Error: template argument deduction/substitution failed
        return foo(std::forward<T>(str));

    auto str = "Hello, world!"s;
    static_assert(lambda1(str) == LValRef);
    static_assert(lambda2(str) == LValRef);
    static_assert(lambda1(std::move(str)) == RValRef);
    static_assert(lambda2(std::move(str)) == RValRef);

Although generic and template lambda serve similar purpose, template lambda was introduced for several reasons

Linkage and Scope

Hiding variable names using extra scope

int main()
    // If you need, you can nest an extra scope to reuse a variable name.
    // Use this in case you have to create several variables of similar intent
    // such as desc1, desc2, result1, result2, ...
    // But don't forget that avoiding this situation by giving them
    // distinguishable and meaningful names are the best option.
        int result = someComplexFunction();
        // Handle result...
        std::vector<int> result = anotherComplexFunction();
        // Handle result

Making your variable shared by all translation units


// 'inline' keyword allows multiple identical definitions!
// If we declared it without 'inline', the compiler would complain about ODR violation.
inline int counter = 0;

// 'static' keyword is a little bit different.
// Since global variables marked as 'static' have internal linkage, compiler doesn't say anything about ODR
// but the value of counter2 could be different for each translation unit.
static int counter2 = 0;


#include "Counter.h"

auto foo() -> int;
auto foo2() -> int;


#include "Foo.h"

auto foo() -> int
    return ++counter;

auto foo2() -> int
    return ++counter2;


#include <iostream>
#include "Foo.h"

auto main() -> int
    std::cout << foo() << foo() << counter << std::end; // prints 122
    std::cout << foo2() << foo2() << counter2 << std::end; // prints 120

External linkage vs internal linkage (with examples)


// External linkage:
//     A symbol declared in one translation unit is visible to other translation units.
//     An external variable has the same value in every translation unit.
//     Think of it as having one instance per program.
//     Symbols with external linkage should obey ODR (One Definition Rule).
// Internal linkage:
//     A symbol is visible only to the translation unit where it was declared.
//     An internal variable might have different values in different translation units.
//     Think of it as having one instance per translation unit.

// Global variables are external by default.
// ODR violation if multiple translation units include this header file using #include.
// If you ever have to, just declare the variable with 'extern' keyword
// and define it once in a single translation unit (without 'extern' keyword).
/*extern*/ int case1 = 1234; // external linkage

// 'static' keyword makes variables on global scope internal.
// Declaring a variable inside an anonymous namespace does the same job.
static int case2 = 1234; // internal linkage

// static global variables already have internal linkage, so 'inline' doesn't have any effect here.
static inline int case3 = 1234; // internal linkage

// Global functions are external by default.
// ODR violation if multiple translation units include this header file using #include.
// Do not define the body of a global function inside a header file.
// If you ever need to, consider using static function or moving it into an anonymouse namespace.
int case4() // external linkage
    return 1234;

// Again, 'static' keyword makes it have internal linkage, just like the global variable did.
static int case5()
    return 1234;

// Classes are external unless declared inside an anonymous namespace.
// Though they have external linkage, defining classes inside a header file doesn't seem to violate ODR.
class External // external linkage
    // Member functions have external linkage by default.
    int case6(); // external linkage
    // Member functions defined inside a class definition (i.e. inline member functions) are inline by default.
    // This makes definition of a function body in a header file possible.
    /*inline*/ int case7() // external linkage
        return 1234;

    // Static member variables of a class with external linkage is also external.
    static inline int case8 = 1234; // external linkage

    // It doesn't make much sense to talk about linkage of non-static member variables.
    // They are discussed on instance level, not translation unit level.
    // Think of these two declarations in a header file:
    //     extern External e1;
    //     static External e2;
    // Does case9 have internal linkage or external linkage?
    // Well, e1 is external and e2 is internal, so neither can be the answer!
    int case9 = 1234;

// ODR violation if multiple translation units include this header file using #include.
// Unlike External::case7, External::case6 is not an inline member function.
// These kinds of definitions should come at the corresponding implementation file (e.g. External.cpp).
int External::case6()
    return 1234;

// Anonymous namespace makes symbols declared inside have internal linkage.
    // Same as writing 'static int case10 = 1234' on a global scope.
    int case10 = 1234; // internal linkage
    // Same as writing 'static int case11() { ... }' on a global scope.
    int case11() // internal linkage
        return 1234;

    // Note: 'inline' keyword cannot be applied to a class definition (i.e. 'inline class' is not valid)
    class Internal // internal linkage
        // Static member variables of a class with internal linkage are also internal.
        static inline int case12 = 1234; // internal linkage

Linkage of member variables is discussed in this stackoverflow question.
The 'static data member' section of this cppreference page explains the linkage of static member variables.
This stackoverflow question handles discussion about static function vs functions inside anonymous namespace.

Tricky Behaviors

Multi-step (user-defined) implicit conversion is not allowed

#include <string>

using namespace std::string_view_literals;

class File
    File(std::string_view filename) {}

void parseFile(const File& file) {}

int main()
    parseFile(File{"file1"}); // OK: const reference allows temporary objects.
    parseFile("file2"sv); // OK: a one-step implicit conversion is allowed.
    parseFile("file3"); // Error: invalid initialization of reference of type const File& from expression of type const char[6]

Check out this stackoverflow question for more information on conversion rules.

Implicit conversion might cause confusion: consider using 'explicit'

#include <vector>
#include <string>

using namespace std::string_view_literals;

class Resource
    // Load resource from the file
    /*explicit*/ Resource(std::string_view filename) {}
    // Construct with preloaded data
    /*explicit*/ Resource(int id, std::string&& content) {}
    Resource(const Resource& other) = default;
    Resource(Resource&& other) noexcept = default;
    Resource& operator=(const Resource& other) = default;
    Resource& operator=(Resource&& other) noexcept = default;
    ~Resource() = default;

class ResourceManager
    void addResource(Resource&& resource)
    std::vector<Resource> resources;

int main()
    auto rm = ResourceManager{};

    // Works as expected.
    auto r = Resource{"file1"};
    rm.addResource(std::move(r)); // case 1) std::move a lvalue
    rm.addResource(Resource{"file2"}); // case 2) temporary object is a rvalue

    // Implicit conversion happens in these cases (not sure if it's intended).
    // You might wonder 'why is this accepting a string?' or 'why are we trying to pass a string?'
    // Given a constructor with single parameter, implicit conversions can happen without any sign (see case 4).
    // If you don't want such behavior, mark the constructor as 'explicit' and these two lines won't compile.
    // Note) passing a string literal on case 4 would cause a multi-step (user-defined) implicit conversion, which won't even compile.
    // To be specific, string literal -> std::string_view -> Resource is required for an implicit Resource construction.
    rm.addResource({"file3"}); // case 3) an implicit conversion using initializer list (somewhat noticeable due to curly braces)
    rm.addResource("file4"sv); // case 4) an implicit conversion quite hard to spot
    // Constructors with two or more parameters usually don't cause trouble.
    // Since you can't make implicit conversion happen without using an initializer list (i.e. case 4 cannot happen with multi-parameter constructors)
    rm.addResource({5, "Hello, world!"}); // case 5) an implicit conversion using initializer list
    rm.addResource(6, "you can't do this"); // case 6) Error: no matching function for call to ResourceManager::addResource(int, const char [18])

Check out this stackoverflow question for more opinions on when to use explicit constructors.

The reason why using static_cast for downcast is unsafe

#include <iostream>

class Base
    Base(int baseMember)
        : baseMember(baseMember)

    void foo()
        std::cout << baseMember << std::endl;

    int baseMember;

class Derived : public Base
    Derived(int baseMember, int derivedMember)
        : Base(baseMember), derivedMember(derivedMember)

    void goo()
        std::cout << baseMember << ", " << derivedMember << std::endl;

    int derivedMember;

void test(Base* pb)
    // This compiles without error because Base and Derived are in inheritance relation,
    // however, we cannot be sure that this is always a valid conversion.
    // In case the object which the base pointer contains doesn't have a member or method we try to access,
    // memory regions allocated to other objects could be 'invaded'.
    Derived* pd = static_cast<Derived*>(pb);

int main()
    // x86-64 gcc 12.2 was used to analyze the result, thanks to godbolt.org!
    // Memory layout:
    // ---- higher address ----
    // d.derivedMember 12345 <- [rbp - 4]
    // d.baseMember    5555  <- [rbp - 8]  (&d)
    // b.baseMember    3333  <- [rbp - 12] (&b)
    //                       <- [rsp] (i.e. the top of the stack)
    // ---- lower address ----
    // Note that baseMember has an offset of 0, while derivedMember has +4.
    Derived d(5555, 12345);
    Base b(3333);

    // Called with address [rbp - 8]:
    // 1. goo() assumes that pd->baseMember is at [rbp - 8] (valid: accessing d.baseMember)
    // 2. goo() assumes that pd->derivedMember is at [rbp - 4] (valid: accessing d.derivedMember)
    test(&d); // prints 5555, 12345

    // Called with address [rbp - 12]:
    // 1. goo() assumes that pd->baseMember is at [rbp - 12] (valid: accessing b.baseMember)
    // 2. goo() assumes that pd->derivedMember is at [rbp - 8] (INVALID: thats the address for d.baseMember!)
    test(&b); // prints 3333, 5555

Mutability of captured variables in a lambda

#include <utility>

int main()
    auto i = 12345;
    const auto ci = 12345;

    // capture by value (const by default)
    [x = i]{};             // const int x
    [x = ci]{};            // const int x
    [x = ci]() mutable {}; // int x ('mutable' keyword allows captured variables to be modified!)

    // capture by reference (inherits const qualifier)
    [&x = i]{};                // int& x
    [&x = ci]{};               // const int& x
    [&x = std::as_const(i)]{}; // const int& x (std::as_const() adds const qualifier)

    // example) a sequential integer generator using stateful lambda
    auto generator = [count = 0]() mutable { return ++count; };
    generator(); // 1
    generator(); // 2
    generator(); // 3

std::vector doesn't store booleans

#include <vector>
#include <array>

int main()
    // std::vector<bool> stores bit instead of bool for efficiency.
    // This makes getting a bool& quite complicated,
    // because bool is 1 byte but the actual data is 1 bit!
    // What std::vector<bool>::operator[] returns is actually a proxy instance std::vector<bool>::reference.
    // The code below implicitly converts std::vector<bool>::reference to an rvalue bool,
    // so it is basically same as binding a temporary bool to a reference, which is not allowed.
    std::vector<bool> v{true, false};
    bool& b1 = v[0]; // Error: cannot bind non-const lvalue reference of type bool& to an rvalue of type bool
    bool& b2 = true; // Same error!

    std::array<bool, 2> a{true, false};
    bool& b3 = a[0]; // std::array actually stores bool, so this is valid.

This is also stated in Microsoft's C++ documentation.

A malicious bypass: passing int as an enum class parameter

enum class Animal { Dog, Cat };

void foo(Animal animal) {}

int main()
    // We know that enum class doesn't allow implicit conversion from int
    foo(123); // Error: cannot convert from int to Animal

    // But for some reason, this also compiles.
    // Actually, I wonder why this is valid...
    // Just keep in mind that strange things can happen
    // even if you use enum class instead of classic enum.


Manually locking and unlocking a mutex can be dangerous

#include <mutex>

// Some asynchronous job that might throw exceptions.
void critical_section()
    throw std::exception();

int main()
    // Suppose we have a resource protected with this mutex.
    std::mutex m;

        // Case 1) manual lock/unlock

            // You're not sure if this will throw exception.
            // In this case, it DOES throw an exception.

            // Since the exception will bring us to the catch clause,
            // this line doesn't get executed and m stays locked.

        // Case 2) RAII style lock/unlock
            // When an exception happens and lg goes out of scope,
            // the destructor of std::lock_guard will call m.unlock automatically.
            auto lg = std::lock_guard(m);
    catch(const std::exception& e)
        // Handle exception

Use std::lock_guard or std::unique_lock for exception safety.

How to wait for a signal or create a synchronization point for multiple threads

#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <barrier>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <queue>
#include <atomic>
#include <format>
#include <iostream>

// Desired behavior:
// - a thread should wait for an event triggered by another thread
// Tools used:
// - std::mutex
// - std::condition_variable
// - std::unique_lock
// Required standard:
// - C++11 or higher
// Example use case:
// - producer thread accumulates request packets sent by clients into a queue
// - consumer thread pops packet from the queue and handle the requst
void wait_for_signal()
    // Used to nofity consumer thread that producer thread is terminated
    auto producer_done = std::atomic_bool{ false };

    // Shared instance used to pass information from producer to consumer
    auto items = std::queue<int>{};

    // Synchornization primitives
    auto m = std::mutex{};
    auto cv = std::condition_variable{};

    // Producer thread pushes an integer to items vector every 500ms
    auto producer = std::thread([&] {
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)

            // Critical section
                auto lg = std::lock_guard(m);


        producer_done = true;

    // Consumer thread waits for items vector to fill up and print the content
    auto consumer = std::thread([&] {
        auto exit = false;
        while (!exit)
            // 1. lock m.
            auto ul = std::unique_lock(m);

            // 2. evaluate predicate (the lambda passed as the second parameter)
            //    if the result is true, proceed to the next line (m stays locked)
            //    if the result is false, unlock m and start waiting.
            // 3. when a signal arrives, lock m and check predicate to see if it was a 'spurious wakeup'.
            //    if the result is true, proceed to the next line (m stays locked)
            //    if the result is false, unlock m and repeat step 3.
            // 'cv.wait(ul, pred)' is equivalent to 'while (!pred()) cv.wait(ul)'
            // and this prevents two problems that come with condition variables.
            // 1) spurious wakeup
            // - cv.wait(ul) can be unblocked even if we do not send any signal (not sure why...)
            // - by using the conditional loop, we can go back to the waiting state on fake signals.
            // 2) lost wakeup: 
            // - if no thread is waiting on cv.wait(), signals from notify_one() or notify_all() are lost.
            // - if we use wait() without predicate, the thread is always blocked and will never wake up until new signal or spurious wakeup happens.
            // - since conditional loop checks predicate before calling cv.wait(),
            //   we can avoid blocking a thread forever even if some of the signals are lost.
            cv.wait(ul, [&] { return items.size() > 0; });

            auto item = items.front();

            // Finish the loop if producer thread termiated and all the items are handled
            if (producer_done && items.empty())
                exit = true;


            // Handle the item
            std::cout << item << std::endl;


// Desired behavior:
// - multiple threads should wait on a synchronization point
// Tools used:
// - std::barrier
// - std::latch (single-use version of std::barrier)
// Required standard:
// - C++20 or higher
// Example use case:
// - you are making a game where multiple objects should update() and render() on each frame
// - update() can be parallelized, so you are going to use thread pool
// - render() should be called only after every update() is done
void wait_for_tasks()
    constexpr auto num_workers = 3;

    // Create a barrier with initial count and a completion callback.
    // Each arrive_and_wait() decreases the count by one
    // and the callback gets called when the count reaches zero.
    // Note: callback function should be 'noexcept'
    auto sync_point = std::barrier(num_workers, []() noexcept {
        std::cout << "everyone reached sync_point\n";

    // Create worker threads
    auto workers = std::vector<std::thread>();
    for (int i = 0; i < num_workers; ++i)
        workers.push_back(std::thread([&, id = i] {
            std::cout << std::format("worker thread #{} started\n", id);
            std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100 * id));
            std::cout << std::format("worker thread #{} reached sync_point\n", id);
            std::cout << std::format("worker thread #{} ended\n", id);

    for (auto& worker : workers)

int main()
    std::cout << "Example 1: waiting for a signal" << std::endl;

    std::cout << "Example 2: waiting on a synchronization point" << std::endl;

Expected output:

Example 1: waiting for a signal
Example 2: waiting on a synchronization point
worker thread #0 started
worker thread #2 started
worker thread #0 reached sync_point
worker thread #1 started
worker thread #1 reached sync_point
worker thread #2 reached sync_point
everyone reached sync_point
worker thread #1 ended
worker thread #2 ended
worker thread #0 ended

Printing to std::cout without race condition

// Valid from C++20
#include <format>
#include <vector>
#include <thread>
#include <iostream>

int main()
    auto threads = std::vector<std::jthread>{};
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            // The order of "hello, thread #", i, and "\n" from multiple threads is undefined,
            // because we cannot guarantee that the three operator<< will get executed
            // sequentially before other threads try the same job.
            // ex) hello, thread #hello, thread #hello, thread #0\n2\n1\n
            std::cout << "hello, thread #" << i << "\n";

            // However, each operator<< behaves like an atomic operation!
            // Simply using std::format to pass the whole message at once solves the problem.
            std::cout << std::format("hello, thread #{}\n", i);

Other Tips

Using nested symbol of a template type as a type name

struct Int
    using Something = int;

struct Double
    using Something = double;

struct Haha
    static constexpr int Something = 1234;

// T::Something can be either a type or a non-type (e.g. static member variable):
//   Int::Something  -> int
//   Haha::Something -> compile-time constant integer of value 1234.
// To distinguish type and non-type usage:
// 1. Specify 'typename' if a scoped name of a template type like T::Something should be interpreted as a type.
// 2. Do not specify 'typename' if a scoped name of a template type is non-type.
template<typename T>
constexpr auto asType()
    return typename T::Something{123};

template<typename T>
constexpr auto asNonType()
    return T::Something;

int main()
    asNonType<Int>(); // Error: dependent-name T::Something is parsed as a non-type
    asNonType<Double>(); // Error: dependent-name T::Something is parsed as a non-type
    asType<Haha>(); // Error: no type named 'Something' in 'struct Haha'
`   */

    constexpr auto i = asType<Int>();
    constexpr auto d = asType<Double>();
    constexpr auto haha = asNonType<Haha>();

    static_assert(i == 123);
    static_assert(d == 123.0);
    static_assert(haha == 1234);

Declaring variables inside a switch statement

#include <iostream>

int main()
    int val = 2;

    // Switch-case version
    case 1:
        std::string msg = "Hello, world!"; // invalid without scoping the 'case' clause
        std::cout << msg << std::endl;
    case 2:
        std::cout << "Goodbye, world!" << std::endl;

    // Goto version
    if (val == 1)
        goto case1;
    else if (val == 2)
        goto case2;
        goto exit;
        std::string msg = "Hello, world!";
        std::cout << msg << std::endl;
        goto exit;
    std::cout << "Goodbye, world!" << std::endl;
    goto exit;
    // Imagine what would have happened if the compiler allowed declaration of 'msg' without our extra scope
    // and we tried to execute codes like 'std::cout << msg.size()' right here.
    // That would have caused skipping initialization of the variable 'msg'!
    // For the same reason, goto statement also prohibits variable declaration between labels.
    return 0;

Further details can be found in this stackoverflow question

const keyword applies to the left token, unless it comes at the start

// Reading a type name from right to left helps to understand what it means
const int* i1 = nullptr; // A pointer to an integer that is constant
int const* i2 = nullptr; // A pointer to a constant integer (same as i1)
const int* const i3 = nullptr; // A constant pointer to an integer that is constant
int const* const i4 = nullptr; // A constant pointer to a constant integer (same as i3)

// Only the leftmost const applies to the right token,
// so both 'const's are decorating 'int'.
// The example below DOES NOT mean "a pointer that is constant which points to an integer that is constant"
// Rather, it is "a pointer to a constant integer that is constant".
const int const* i5 = nullptr; // Error: duplicate 'const'

// Unlike pointers, we cannot change what a reference variable is pointing at.
// That means decorating a reference with const ('T& const') is unnecessary.
// Actually, compilers prohibit declaring types interpreted as "a constant reference to ...".
int& const i6 = 0; // Error: 'const' qualifiers cannot be applied to 'int&'
const int& const i7 = 0; // Error: 'const' qualifiers cannot be applied to 'const int&'

// By the way, pointer to a reference is illegal just like '& const' stuff.
int&* i8 = nullptr; // Error: cannot declare a pointer to 'int&'

This stackoverflow question handles '& const' issue.
This stackoverflow question explains more about '&*'

Polymorphism without runtime overhead (ft. CRTP)

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

// Polymorphism through  function
class Base
    virtual void foo() const = 0;

class Derived : public Base
    virtual void foo() const override
        std::cout << "runtime polymorphism" << std::endl;

// Polymorphism-ish behavior by passing derived class as template parameter
// This kind of inheritance pattern is called the CRTP (Curiously Recurring Template Pattern)
template<typename T>
class CRPTBase
    void foo() const
        static_cast<const T*>(this)->foo();

class CRPTDerived : public CRPTBase<CRPTDerived>
    void foo() const
        std::cout << "compile time polymorphism" << std::endl;

// The underlying instance is determined at runtime.
//  function table is used to determine which foo to use.
void test(const Base& b)

// Since T is given at compile time, there is no need for vtable lookup or any kind of runtime check.
// The downside is that we should use templates everywhere in order to utilize this trick.
template<typename T>
void test(const CRPTBase<T>& b)

int main()
    Derived d1;
    CRPTDerived d2;


Creating a lambda behaves the same as creating a struct with operator() overloaded

#include <iostream>

struct Lambda
    int captureThis = 234; // Captured variable stored as a member variable
    int operator()(int val)
        return val + captureThis;

int main()
    int captureThis = 234;
    int result1 = Lambda()(1000);
    int result2 = [=](int val){ return val + captureThis; }(1000);
    std::cout << result1 << " " << result2 << std::endl; // prints 1234 1234

A simple yes/no guideline for deciding member variable type

#include <memory>

// Given that T is not a fundamental type such as int,
// let us decide what variant of T should we use as a member variable.
// These are the five most frequently used types for member variables:
// - T
// - T*
// - T&
// - std::shared_ptr<T>
// - std::unique_ptr<T>
// Keep answering yes or no to the questions below
// to find out which of the five best fits you.
// For people who are not sure what ownership means,
// let's assume that you should own an instance when the instance's lifetime should depend on you.
// ex) A car should own an engine because you don't need the engine alone.
// On the other hand, you don't necessarily require ownership
// when the instance is guaranteed to be valid while you reference it.
// ex) A function that calls Player::name() doesn't need to own Player instance,
//     you know that the instance will be alive at least inside that function.
// Although there are cases you don't need to own something, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't.
// Having ownership does come with cost but it also has benefits.
// For example, you won't suffer from dangling references or pointers!
// If you are sure that such problems (e.g., null pointer exception) don't exist
// and you need to take care of performance, consider non-owning references.
// WARNING: this is a personal guideline, so the suggestion might not fit all situations.
template<typename T>
void member_type_guideline()
    // Should you own an instance of T?
    if (true)
        // Is there any other object that also requires ownership to it?
        if (true)
            // WARNING: circular reference might cause memory leak (use std::weak_ptr in such cases)
            std::shared_ptr<T> member_variable;
            // Is T a polymorphic class?
            // Note: T is polymorphic if it has virtual functions.
            if (true)
                // Reason: polymorphism only works with references or pointers.
                std::unique_ptr<T> member_variable;
                T member_variable;
        // Do you need to provide copy constructor and copy assignment operator for your class?
        if (true)
            // Reason: you can't copy an object when you use reference type for a member variable.
            T* member_variable;
            // Do you need to reassign a new value to the member variable?
            if (true)
                // Reason: you can't reassign a reference variable.
                T* member_variable;
                // Since you have to initialize reference variables on construction,
                // you'll have to provide an instance of T as a constructor parameter.
                T t;
                T& member_variable = t;

Make sure that set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD ??) comes after project()


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)

# These settings are ignored!


add_executable(test main.cpp)


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)



add_executable(test main.cpp)
  • Note: target_compile_features(test PUBLIC cxx_std_17) is preferred over set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17)

How to make a basic command-line argument parser with ranges library

#include <iostream>
#include <optional>
#include <ranges>
#include <vector>
#include <format>

struct Argument
    std::string name;
    std::optional<std::string> value = {};

// Returns an iterable range of std::string_view
// that contains argument tokens of a command line input.
// Consecutive blanks and the initial token are ignored.
// ex) "asdf.exe a    b c  d" -> "a" "b" "c" "d"
auto split_tokens(std::string_view prompt_input)
    auto is_not_empty = [](auto subrange) {
        return subrange.size() > 0;
    auto to_string_view = [](auto subrange) {
        return std::string_view(subrange);

    return prompt_input
        | std::views::split(' ')
        | std::views::filter(is_not_empty) // Prevent consecutive ' ' from generating empty subranges.
        | std::views::drop(1) // We should ignore the first token, which is the name of an executable.
        | std::views::transform(to_string_view);

// Parse the command line input into a list of name-value pairs.
// We assume that argument names are prefixed with '-'
// and the value for an argument comes right after the name.
// Note: exception handling was intentionally skipped
//       in order to focus solely on library feature demonstration.
std::vector<Argument> parse_arguments(std::string_view prompt_input)
    auto arguments = std::vector<Argument>();
    for (auto token : split_tokens(prompt_input))
        // New argument name
        if (token.starts_with('-'))
        // Argument value
            arguments.back().value = token;

    return arguments;

int main()
    for (const auto& [name, value] : parse_arguments("cmake -S . -B build -Wno-dev"))
        std::cout << std::format("name: {:<8} value: {}\n", name, value.value_or("none"));

Expected output:

name: S        value: .
name: B        value: build
name: Wno-dev  value: none

Do not use 'using namespace' in headers

  • Namespace is very useful for preventing name collisions, but this makes qualified names quite long and verbose.
  • using namespace ... allows unqualified access to the namespace, but this leads to potential name collision.
  • The real problem happens when you use using namespace in a header. Every source file that uses the header also has access to symbols inside that namespace whether they want it or not.
  • On the other hand, using namespace in a cpp file isn't a big problem.
    It only affects a single file and is easy to fix.

Example scenario

  • Suppose that you have two "vector" classes: std::vector and math::vector.
// vector.h
namespace math

template<typename T>
class vector
    vector(T x, T y, T z);

} // namespace math
  • One developer starts to use using namespace math in a header file because prefix math:: was all over the place.
// rigidbody.h
using namespace math;

namespace physics

class rigidbody
    rigidbody(double mass, const vector<double>& position, const vector<double>& rotation);
    void add_force(const vector<double>& force);

    double mass;
    vector<double> position;
    vector<double> rotation;
    vector<double> velocity;

} // namespace physics
  • You, on the other hand, were working on another source file that uses rigidbody.h
    and discovered that your 'vector' suddenly became ambiguous!
// main.cpp
#include "rigidbody.h"
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int main()
    vector<rigidbody> objects; // error: 'vector' is ambiguous