Evidencepath how to be set
RichardVanMaaren opened this issue · 1 comments
RichardVanMaaren commented
In what way can the evidencePath be set in the method : protected void saveEvidence(TransmissionResponse transmissionResponse, File evidencePath, Span root)
Can this be done in the oxalis.conf ?
Best regards,
RichardVanMaaren commented
Appologies, found it allready, will test it :
static OptionParser getOptionParser() {
OptionParser optionParser = new OptionParser();
fileSpec = optionParser.accepts("f", "File(s) to be transmitted")
docType = optionParser.accepts("d", "Document type")
profileType = optionParser.accepts("p", "Profile type")
sender = optionParser.accepts("s", "sender [e.g. 9908:976098897]")
recipient = optionParser.accepts("r", "recipient [e.g. 9908:976098897]")
evidencePath = optionParser.accepts("e", "Evidence storage dir")
useRequestFactory = optionParser.accepts("factory", "Use TransmissionRequestFactory (no overrides!)")
repeatCount = optionParser.accepts("repeat", "Number of repeats to use ")
probe = optionParser.accepts("probe", "Perform probing of endpoint.")
destinationUrl = optionParser.accepts("u", "destination URL")
.requiredIf(probe, protocol).withRequiredArg();
destinationCertificate = optionParser.accepts("cert", "Receiving AP's certificate (when overriding endpoint)")
protocol = optionParser.accepts("protocol", "Protocol to be used")
maxTransmissions = optionParser.accepts("m", "Max number of transmissions")
tag = optionParser.accepts("tag", "User defined tag")
sleep = optionParser.accepts("sleep", "Sleep standalone for x seconds after transmission.")
return optionParser;