Oxalis - PEPPOL Access Point open source implementation - Core component
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Inbound policy verification failed: These policy alternatives can not be satisfied
#683 opened by evanswappf - 0
Hitting Unable to verify certificate of receiving access point when sending message using standalone jar
#685 opened by evanswappf - 1
The library vefa-peppol causes Oxalis to incorrectly report network-level errors as participant not found
#666 opened by steinarhenriksen - 0
Improve wiki readability
#675 opened by yuri1969 - 4
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How to fix the exception: Endpoint was set by caller not retrieved from SMP, make sure this is intended behaviour. (manual configuration)
#679 opened by iPriyanshuRanjan - 1
Oxalis Standalone sending test failed
#680 opened by Robcio35 - 0
How to fix the exception:Endpoint was set by caller not retrieved from SMP, make sure this is intended behaviour. (manual configuration)
#678 opened by iPriyanshuRanjan - 1
Change request - Expose C3 CN in evidence
#668 opened by AzetsInsightAS - 1
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Apache CXF:3.5.5 Vulnerability
#667 opened by StefanJonssonInExchange - 2
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Tests failing on current (25a4a2b) master branch - "Identifier '0208:0871221633' is not registered in SML"
#659 opened by fairartursolups - 5
Sending/Receiving logs for peppol statistics
#660 opened by runholen - 2
Transport profile on inbound messages
#638 opened by emilbokenstrand - 2
Peppol reporting & C2SeatID for incoming message
#664 opened by nkoudelia - 1
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Problem Statistic Reports Installation
#654 opened by DioMeo - 8
Get sending provider out of receipt not possible
#643 opened by PPotappel - 2
DK ERST Nemhandel eDelivery: Expand transport profiles detection with a filtering by modes
#623 opened by dladlk - 1
Oxalis persistor plugin for Azure load error
#648 opened by lskuba - 1
Oxalis LookupService exception handling
#586 opened by canilsenlogiq - 3
Missing security headers
#616 opened by cedneve - 1
Add support to get rid of plaintext password in property file (Oxalis.conf).
#634 opened by jaskiratsingh1792 - 0
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Issue installing Oxalis AS4-6.3.0
#645 opened by DioMeo - 3
FAIL Start Oxalis From Tomcat
#644 opened by DioMeo - 1
Get sending provider out of receipt
#641 opened by PPotappel - 0
internal error 500 oxalis
#635 opened by bilelmonser - 3
How can we disable AS2-functionality in Oxalis as Peppol only allows us to support AS4
#617 opened by PPotappel - 0
Upgrade maven-enforcer-plugin configuration in oxalis pom.xml to reflect the switch to java 11
#632 opened by dladlk - 15
SOLVED: urgent: 6.0.0-RC3 issue: can't send invoices, status page shows 'mode: FRTEST' instead of PRODUCTION
#627 opened by pschoond - 3
Issue with Document Delivery
#621 opened by SanjayasH - 3
Document sending issue
#619 opened by SanjayasH - 1
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[v.5.4.0] oxalis.inbound fails on startup: NOPLoggerFactory cannot be cast to LoggerContext
#607 opened by JesMat - 6
Upgrade com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind to to remove CVE
#585 opened by amaters-easy - 1
logback-core vulnerability
#599 opened by aaron-kumar - 4
Cannot find key for certificate, peppol testbed
#597 opened by ndTEC - 4
sending invoice to other Access Point issue
#593 opened by tranthanhtam8890 - 1
Evidencepath how to be set
#582 opened by RichardVanMaaren - 1
Spring4Shell: Security Analysis of the latest Java RCE '0-day' vulnerabilities in Spring
#580 opened by monze - 1
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As2Servlet clears the MDC
#577 opened by renaudcodabox - 0
Integration of OxalisOutboundComponent in Spring boot application - Errore detecting mode in certificate
#567 opened by francescodiperna - 1
Log4j2 cve
#560 opened by RichardVanMaaren - 2
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Unable to fetch http://smp.difi.no
#549 opened by runholen - 1
Error "No transmission is provided"
#548 opened by bergheil